Visiting Scholar Certificate
Visiting Scholar Certificate
A Visiting Scholar Certificate is available to individuals who hold an academic degree or have related occupational experience in a secondary content area. To qualify, an individual must be employed by a Missouri public school district as part of a business-education partnership initiative designed to build career pathways systems for students. The one-year certificate is limited to grades 9-12 and may be renewed twice if required professional development and performance evaluations are completed.
*Please Note: This is not a route to certification in Missouri.
To apply, please log into your certification account. Additional information on how to create an account, may be found in the Educator Certification Help Guide.
To access your certification account (online profile) you must first log into the DESE Application Sign-in with a username and password, and then choose the Educator Certification System link located on the User Applications page. To establish a username and password, follow the directions of the Educator Certification Help Guide. Your certification account (online profile) provides access to each of the following:
- Apply for a certificate
- Print out a certificate
- View a certificate or pending application
- View assessment scores
- Check for the receipt of transcripts
- Check fingerprint/background status
Please Note: If you have not accessed your certification account in over 5 years, then your account access has been disabled. You will be required to re-register and create a username. Please follow these steps:
- Step 1 - Go to: https://apps.dese.mo.gov/
- Step 2 - Click on "Create Account"
- Step 3 - Enter the information requested and click "Create User"
- Step 4 - Once the username has been created, log in with the new username and password
- Please note that if the "Create User" button is grayed out, try using a different username.
- If you need additional assistance, please contact the Office of Data Systems Management or 573-522-3207.
Fingerprints/Background Checks
If you have questions about getting your fingerprints for 2018-19 background checks, please contact the Missouri Highway Patrol’s contracted vendor, Idemia, at 844-543-9712. You may also visit the Highway Patrol website: