News and Updates
Equitable Access to Excellent Education
Preparing, developing and supporting effective educators is one of the ways Missouri is working to ensure that all Missouri students become college and career ready. Missouri created a plan to recruit, prepare and retain effective teachers for all public schoolchildren in the state, especially in high-poverty, high-minority or rural districts. Learn more below about Missouri's plan and what other districts are doing to ensure all students have access to effective educators.
Educator Preparation Certification Transition Information
The Department has developed the processes for the Transition from the Missouri Standards for Teacher Education Programs (MoSTEP) to the Missouri Standards for the Preparation of Educators (MoSPE). An online Educator Preparation directory has been developed to help in this transition. Additional Information
Educator Growth Toolbox

The Educator Growth Toolbox is a one-stop destination where district administrators can find all the tools they need to enhance educator effectiveness. The toolbox shares all of the state's resources on evaluation, observations, professional learning, student growth measures and more. Make sure and check it out.
- Improving students’ learning requires the improvement of the effective practice of those teaching in classrooms and providing leadership in schools. As such, Missouri’s Model Evaluation System focuses on the formative development of teachers and leaders.