Teacher Loan Forgiveness

The U.S. Department of Education (USED) administers a loan forgiveness program for teachers.

If you are familiar with the program and are employed at a low-income public or nonprofit elementary or secondary school, click here to access their Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program.(link is external)

  • Click here to access the Teacher Cancellation Low Income (TCLI) Directory(link is external)
    • USED requires DESE to provide a report of low-income schools that meet their criteria(link is external) for inclusion in the Teacher Cancellation Low-Income (TCLI) Directory.
  • DESE uses the free and reduced price lunch percentage as the low-income indicator to determine which schools should be included in the TCLI Directory. Schools with a rate exceeding 30.0% are included.  DESE sends the current school year's data in March.
    • The free and reduced price lunch percentage is calculated from the data submitted by the District in the February Cycle of Core Data/MOSIS; the calculation is: State FTE for the building divided by January Membership report Totals for the building.
      • The State FTE is the Full-time equivalency (FTE) count taken the last Wednesday in January of resident students enrolled in grades K-12 and in attendance one of the 10 preceding school days whose eligibility for free or reduced lunch is documented through the application process using federal eligibility guidelines or through the direct certification process aligned with the National School Lunch Program.
  • If you do not find your school on the TCLI Directory, consult the building's free and reduced price lunch percentages on DESE's MCDS PortalYou will find the report under Reports and Resources -- School Finance Data.

If you are employed by a government or not-for profit organization, click here to access USED's Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program. (link is external)