Recruitment and Retention
Teacher Recruitment and Retention Grant Funding

Teacher Recruitment and Retention Playbook – January 2025
Three years ago, the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) invested approximately $40 million dollars of relief funds into grants to improve the recruitment and retention of teachers. All grant recipients participated in a Four Phase Evaluation process. Three years of collecting and analyzing data has now been completed and the findings from four separate studies are posted below.
A Teacher Recruitment and Retention Playbook, developed by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and the Community Training and Assistance Center (CTAC) and based on the data gathered through this three-year evaluation, has been developed and features eight cornerstones of a state system of recruitment and retention.
Missouri Educator Job Board
DESE is pleased to introduce the first-ever Missouri Educator Job Board. Through Missouri’s participation in a pilot project funded by the U.S. Department of Education, the Educator Job Board is available at no cost to every teacher candidate and Missouri school district and charter school.

An interested candidate looking for a teaching job may search by type of teaching position, by location of school, and even by type of school anywhere in the state. The Missouri Educator Job Board aims to connect interested teacher candidates to schools with vacant positions more directly, more quickly, and more easily.
Interested stakeholders may review the Missouri Educator Job Board here. There is also a 5-minute video available to review that introduces the Job Board and walks through its features.
Grant Evaluation Phase IV – September 2024
Grant Evaluation Phase III – September 2023
Grant Evaluation Phase II – September 2022
Grant Evaluation Phase I – June 2022
Blue Ribbon Commission
The State Board of Education’s Teacher Recruitment and Retention Blue Ribbon Commission was charged with delivering a report to the State Board, which provided a summary of the Commission’s work along with clear action steps, suggested legislative and policy changes, and any other specific and measurable strategies recommended to address teacher recruitment and retention challenges in Missouri. Based on the Commission Goals listed below, the group divided their work into the following phases, representing the two primary factors that contribute to teacher recruitment and retention issues:
- Phase 1: Teacher Pay (June-October 2022)
- Phase 2: Climate & Culture for Teachers (March-June 2023)
Click here to read more about the Commission. You can also review the Commission’s Phase 1 recommendations related to teacher pay — see the summary as well as the full report.
Career Ladder Program
The Missouri Career Development and Teacher Excellence Plan (Career Ladder Program) is a voluntary performance pay matching program established by statute. The General Assembly makes an annual appropriation for the purpose of providing the state's share of the Career Ladder Program. The Career Ladder Grant Program supports salary supplements for teaching staff to provide compensation for additional responsibilities and voluntary efforts performed for which a teacher does not already receive some type of compensation. The career advancement program is a matching fund program. Up to 60 percent of the additional salary supplement shall come from state grant funds, and the remaining amount not less than 40 percent and any related benefit costs coming from local sources. This grant is subject to appropriation on an annual basis.
- Career Ladder Program Guidance 2025-2026 Updated March 2025
- Career Ladder Program Guidance (FY 25) Updated September 2024
- Career Ladder Program Memo
- Career Ladder Program Recorded Webinar
- Career Ladder Program Webinar Slides
This Career Ladder Program Annual Report and the Final Allocations Chart provide information on district activities, state and district funding, and are used to monitor progress on the impact of the Career Ladder Program.
- 2023-24 Career Ladder Program Annual Report
- 2022-23 Career Ladder Program Annual Report
- SY23-24 Career Ladder Final Allocations
Teacher Baseline Salary Grants
This grant supports salary increases for teaching staff to ensure they receive a baseline salary of $40,000, with 100 percent of the additional salary and related payroll benefits coming from state grant funds. While the FY 2026 budget awaits final approval, this guidance is provided in preparation for a rapid application process to support the required implementation timeline. This grant is subject to appropriation on an annual basis.
- Teacher Baseline Salary Grant Guidance (FY26) NEW FOR SCHOOL YEAR 2025-26
- Teacher Baseline Salary Grant Guidance (FY25)
As part of the fiscal year 2026 (FY 2026) state budget, qualifying local education agencies (LEAs) can apply for grant funds to boost their teacher salary to a baseline amount of $40,000. LEAs that currently employ teachers making at least $25,000 and less than $40,000 per full time equivalent (FTE) are eligible to apply.
Grow Your Own Statewide Program
Grow Your Own Grants
Having excellent teachers is vital to the success of each student. With the current teacher shortage, this can be very challenging. One solution is to grow your own. Missouri school districts are developing their own teacher pipeline. By attracting and supporting students and non-certified staff in their own schools to be future teachers, these districts are working to ensure excellent education for all.
The state of Missouri's Fiscal Year 2024 budget includes funding for the Grow Your Own Grant program, which is designed to increase recruitment of quality teachers in local education agencies (LEAs) across the state. Qualifying LEAs can apply for grant funds to create or strengthen a Grow Your Own teacher program. The state of Missouri’s Fiscal Year 2024 budget includes funding for the Grow Your Own Grant program, which is designed to increase recruitment of quality teachers in local education agencies (LEAs) across the state. Qualifying LEAs can apply for grant funds to create or strengthen a Grow Your Own teacher program.
For specific questions about the application process, please review the Grow Your Own memo for information pertaining to this grant program.
View the list of the School Districts that were selected for the grant award.
Statewide Public Service Advertising (PSA)
TV and radio ads, as well as various digital marketing campaigns, will elevate the perception of the teaching profession and generate interest among future teachers. View the PSA video here.
Pathways to Teaching Careers
A new teacher “externship” program provides regional training sessions for teachers to become recruiters within their own school communities, mobilizing them as ambassadors for the profession.
Outreach Plan
Outreach Plan Presentations
- Teacher Workforce Data January 2024
- Teacher Workforce Data January 2023
- Teacher Workforce Data January 2022
- State Board of Education Teacher Workforce January 2021
- State Board of Education Outreach Plan Update January 2020
- State Board of Education Teacher Salary Proposal December 2019
- State Board of Education Outreach Plan Update September 2019
- State Board of Education Outreach Plan Update May 2019
- State Board of Education Outreach Plan March 2019
- State Board of Education Teacher Workforce January 2019
Grow Your Own Resource Guide
Federal and State Reports
Educator Vacancy Report, January 2025
Educator Vacancy Report, May 2024
The data presented in the 2025 Vacancy Report was gathered through the Educator Vacancy page (Screen 21) of the Core Data System. This year’s data reflects a 100% district response rate. Those districts employ approximately 72,000 teachers and serve over 890,000 Missouri students. The three areas with the largest number of vacancies are Elementary Education, Special Education, and Early Childhood Education.
Recruitment and Retention Annual Report, 2024
Missouri Statute (161.098 RSMo) directs the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to prepare and distribute an annual report to the Missouri General Assembly about the status of the teacher workforce in Missouri public schools by December 15 of each year.
The U.S. Department of Education has approved the 2024 Teacher Shortage Report for the State of Missouri which identifies certification areas of critical shortage for the 2025-26 school year. Based on this designation, teachers who are teaching within shortage areas identified by this report are eligible for loan forgiveness. Federal loans that qualify under this designation include the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL), Federal Perkins Loan, Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program, Stafford Loan, and Supplemental Loans for Students (SLS). For more information, please visit the U.S. Department of Education – Teacher Shortage webpage.
Certification areas not listed as Critical Shortage that fall in a universally accepted shortage area, i.e., mathematics; science, including, but not limited to, computer science; foreign language; bilingual education; English language acquisition; reading specialist; or special education are eligible for federally funded TEACH grants.
Substitute Teacher Survey Report, 2023-24
Substitute Teacher Survey Report, 2022-23
Legislation was passed and signed into law in 2022 (Section 168.037, RSMo) that directed the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to create a web-based survey to be completed by individuals each day they worked as a substitute teacher. DESE created the online survey and distributed it to all school districts and charter schools at the beginning of the 2022-23 school year with the directions to provide the link to this survey to each substitute teacher for each day they worked in their schools.
The online survey was to collect anonymous, unbiased data that school districts, charter schools, and state officials could use to improve the effectiveness of substitute teachers in supporting instruction and learning and to improve any factors contributing to the shortage of substitute teachers.
This report summarizes the findings from over 73,000 survey responses collected during the 2022-23 school year. Please note that it is unclear how many individuals completed this survey, as substitute teachers were asked to complete the survey each day they served.
Loan Forgiveness
Please see here for information on the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) website concerning the Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program.
For questions concerning Federal Stafford/SLS loans, including the teacher shortage area deferment, contact the Federal Student Aid Hotline at 800-433-3243. More information may be found at the Federal Student Aid site.
The Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development administers the grant and scholarship programs.
Additional information regarding the grants and scholarships program can be found on the flyer.