Early Head Start

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The Early Head Start (EHS) program provides an early, continuous, intensive, and comprehensive child development program to children under the age of 3 and whose family's incomes are at or below the federal poverty line.

Early Head Start goals and focuses include:

  • Promotion of children's physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development and future growth and development for infants and toddlers
  • Support parents and guardians to fulfill parental roles as primary caregivers and educators
  • Help parents move toward self-sufficiency by strengthening community supports
  • Increasing quality and capacity of child care programs for families who are in school/training, receiving Temporary Assistance (TA), at risk of child abuse or neglect, or have an incapacitated parent

Services to the families include:

  • Comprehensive health and mental health services
  • Home visits
  • Services to improve healthy behavior such as smoking cessation and substance abuse treatment
  • Coordinate programs providing services in accordance with Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
  • Provide Parent Education including parent-child activities and child development information
  • Ongoing support through case management, peer support groups, adult education and basic literacy skills, job training, job placement services, assistance in obtaining support

How do I get help?

Use the Locate a Head Start Program(link is external) tool found on the Federal Head Start home page.