Tiered Monitoring

Three‐Year Cohort Model Afterschool Programs – SAC & 21stCCLC

As part of the DESE federal tiered monitoring process, an on-line monitoring system has been created to provide a tiered monitoring profile (based on a three-year cohort model) for each school/entity by having one basic process and location for all federal program monitoring. DESE Afterschool staff will refer to the online Tiered Monitoring System as TMS. All DESE Afterschool Program sub-grantees (both SAC and 21st CCLC) must comply with this process.

Types of Monitoring:

  • Self-assessment: Each sub-grantee in the applicable monitoring cohort group must complete the self- assessment in the TMS. Due July 1.
  • Desk monitoring: DESE's review of grantee data, expenditures, reporting, etc. throughout the year.
  • Phone monitoring: 10% of sub-grantees will be selected based on risk assessment results.
  • Fiscal crisis: Suspicion of financial waste, fraud, abuse and/or issues of similar nature put grantees in danger or financial stress; DESE will send an immediate response team to review and assess next steps.
  • On-site monitoring: 10% of sub-grantees will be selected based on risk assessment results.

Who Will Be Monitored and When:

Refer to the afterschool portal under the procedures and report forms tab for the section on monitoring. Click on the “monitoring cohort groups" document and look for your school/entity’s assigned monitoring cohort group #. Use the table on the bottom right of that document to determine which monitoring type you may be selected for during the current school year.

On an annual basis, DESE afterschool staff will assess the risk associated with each sub-grantee assigned to the desk monitoring cohort group and DESE will assign a risk level of high, medium, or low using weighted risk factors on the Monitoring Risk Assessment Matrix. Based on this risk assessment, DESE will determine sub-grantees to be monitored. A monitoring list will be provided to sub-grantees near the beginning of each year.

How To Proceed If Selected For Monitoring:

Refer to the afterschool portal monitoring section for additional details and instructions for the monitoring process, tiered monitoring system access and instructions, etc. The on-site monitoring tool used by DESE can be located on the afterschool portal under the monitoring section as well to help programs prepare their evidence at any time. We highly encourage all programs (regardless of the TMS three-year cohort model) to have evidence of implementation organized and labeled in the same order as the performance monitoring report each year, if possible.