Donated Foods Program

  • SERVICE OR PROGRAM: Food Distribution Program
  • AUTHORITY: Federal: National School Lunch Act, as amended

SERVICE OR PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The program provides a wide variety of meat, poultry, fruits, vegetables, cereal, and dairy products throughout the school year for use in the school lunch program.

  • ELIGIBLE RECIPIENTS OR PARTICIPANTS: All children participating in the school lunch program share in the benefits of the Food Distribution Program.
  • FUNDING OR GRANTS AVAILABLE: Commodity Food is distributed to schools on the basis of reimbursable lunches served. LEAs are guaranteed .2325 cents per meal for the 2013-2014 school year. 
  • ACCESS PROCEDURES: The Department provides schools with the necessary application-agreement forms via the Web in August.  Application Renewal should be submitted by September 1, but not later than September 15.
                Director, Food & Nutrition Services
                Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
                P. O. Box 480, Jefferson City, MO 65102
                Telephone: (573) 522-1974