NOTE: Your petition should look something like this with correct school districts, county and legal description of property.

To: Boards of Education of the Jefferson City School District and New Bloomfield School Districts

We the undersigned citizens and registered voters of Cole County, respectfully order that the following questions be placed on the official ballot for acceptance or rejection, at the next annual election to be held on the Seventh day of April, 1998. A proposition to change the boundary line between:

The Jefferson City School District of Cole County

and the

New Bloomfield School District R-3 of Callaway Count

so that the following described land are now in the Jefferson City School District will be detached there from and made a part of the New Bloomfield Country School District R-3 effective July 1, 1998: All of the Jefferson City School District which lies north of the Missouri River.

Name (Signature) Date Signed Registered Voting Address (Street) (City, Town or Village) Zip Code Congr. Dist Name (Printed or Typed)

And each for himself/herself says: I have personally signed this petition: I am a registered voter of the state of Missouri and Cole County; my registered voting address and the name of the city, town or village in which I live are correctly written after my name, circulator’s affidavit state of Missouri, County of Callaway,

I, ________________ a Missouri registered voter and resident of the state of Missouri first duly sworn, say (print name of signers) sign this page of the foregoing petition, and each of them sign his/her name thereto in my presence: I believe each has stated his/her name, registered voting address and city, town or village correctly, and that each signer is a registered voter in the state of Missouri and Cole County.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this  ___________________ day of _____________________________, A.D. 1997.

Signature of Notary: ________________________________________

Notary Public (Seal)

My commission expires: _____________________________________