Training Information

DESE has updated the Office of Childhood’s online on-demand training and added them to the Missouri Professional Development (MOPD) system for users to complete. Please see detailed MOPD Instructions on ‘Complete an E-Learning Course’ to take training directly within the MOPD System. Use the ‘Search Training Events’ feature in MOPD with the trainer name ‘DESE’ to find courses. Some of the courses in the DESE Office of Childhood Training Library have a fee which is indicated on the course overview. The fee will be paid at the time of registration, and you will have 12 months to complete the course.  


Clock Hour Training Requirements
  • Caregivers in licensed child care facilities are required to receive 12 clock hours of training approved by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) from January 1 to December 31 each year.
  • All caregivers are required to obtain a Missouri Professional Development (MOPD) Identification (ID) for tracking training. You may obtain your MOPD ID by creating an account in the MOPD system.
  • Log in to the MOPD System to find and take clock hour training. 
  • All clock hour training must be approved by DESE’s Office of Childhood. All trainings found in the MOPD System have been approved for DESE training requirements or clock hours.  
  • Clock hours cannot be earned while in ratio with children.
  • Online modules cannot be used for group training.
  • You will have 12 months to complete a MOPD E-learning course; once it begins and you will not be able to complete the same course within the 12 months of completion for clock hours. 
  • DESE does not provide certificates to verify training completion. All training records must be in the MOPD system.
  • Trainings must be completed one at a time. If an individual completes multiple trainings at a time, credit will be denied.
  • Refer to the licensing rules directly regarding clock hour training for further requirements.
  • Refer to more training and trainer information on the MOPD webpage and DESE’s professional development page.
Clock Hour Training Review

Clock hour training is reviewed and verified during inspections.

  • All completed training must be on the MOPD System training report.
  • Child care owners/directors need to claim their organization in the MOPD System in order to access training reports for their staff.
  • The MOPD System will automatically calculate and re-distribute training hours to ensure caregivers make up any training hours missed in previous years before accumulating hours for the current year. 
Child Care Health Consultation Program Services

The Child Care Health Consultation (CCHC) Program is a collaborative program between the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Office of Childhood and Local Public Health Agencies (LPHAs) throughout Missouri to enhance health and safety practices in the child care setting. CCHC program services for child care providers and the children in their care are provided at little or no cost to child care providers, therefore giving the opportunity for all child care providers to care for their children in the safest and healthiest environments possible. Services provided by the CCHC program include health issue trainings for child care providers to assist them in meeting their annual training requirements, consultations with child care providers regarding health and safety issues at their child care facility, and health promotions for children in child care that encourage safe and healthy behaviors and are delivered with fun and developmentally appropriate presentations and materials.

Contact your local public health agency for more information about the availability of Child Care Health Consultation services in your area. You can also locate additional information about the Child Care Health Consultation program on the Child Care Health Consultation Program webpage.