2018 Key Education Legislation
Bills below, which become law, are effective August 28, 2018, unless otherwise noted.
Please note that the links below are to the Missouri General Assembly’s website
SB 603 (Onder)
Missouri Course Access
Changes the Missouri Virtual Instruction Program (MOVIP) to "The Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program" and allows any eligible student to enroll in program courses of his or her choice to be paid by the school district or charter school, if the student has been enrolled full-time in a public school, including a public charter school, for at least one semester immediately prior to enrolling in the program, and the course is approved by the student's school district or charter school through a procedure described in the provision. A student with a documented medical or psychological condition that prevented the student from attending school during the previous semester shall be exempt from the requirement that a student is enrolled full-time in and attended a public school for at least one semester in order to enroll in Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program courses.
If a student who is a candidate for A+ tuition reimbursement enrolls in a course under this provision, the school shall attribute no less than 95 percent attendance to any such student who has completed such course. Individual learning plans shall be developed for all students enrolled in more than two full-time program courses.
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education shall establish an authorization process for course providers and authorize those providers that submit all necessary information and offer courses that align to state academic standards. The authorization process shall provide for continuous monitoring of course providers and courses. The Department shall revoke, suspend, or take other corrective action if a provider or individual course no longer meets the requirements of the program.
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education is also required to publish an annual report on the state of the program that includes information as set forth in the provision. Additionally, the Department shall create a course catalog for the program with information about courses authorized and available to students in the state.
This provision requires the State Board of Education to: ensure that multiple learning management systems are provided for, provide an easily accessible link for course vendors on the program website, allow anyone to submit a course for approval, and require vendors to accept monthly payments for students enrolled in their courses. Courses already approved through MOVIP by August 28, 2018, shall automatically be authorized to participate in the program. Additionally, any online course or virtual program offered by a school district or charter school which meets the requirements of provisions of law relating to state funding for virtual schools shall automatically be approved to participate in the Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program. Such course or program shall be subject to periodic renewal. A school district or charter school offering such a course or program shall be deemed an approved provider.
Signed by Governor, June 1, 2018
SB 687 (Sater)
Transportation Funding
Currently, school districts are required to allocate one percent of moneys received under the school foundation formula to the professional development committee of the district. Under this provision, school districts may, by majority vote of the board, allocate less than one percent but no less than one-half percent when such school district is appropriated less than 25 percent of the allowable costs of providing pupil transportation under the school foundation formula. A school district may appropriate money in such manner until the end of fiscal year 2024.
Bus Drivers Skills Test
Excludes the pre-trip inspection portion of the commercial driver license skills test required for school bus endorsement applicants who are 70 years of age or older. This examination is currently required annually for applicants who are 70 years of age or older to retain the school bus endorsement
KCPS Transportation
Allows the Kansas City Public Schools school board to contract with any municipality, bi-state agency, or other governmental entity to transport high school children. The contract shall be for additional transportation services and shall not replace or fulfill any of the school district's obligations to transport students to and from school. The school district may notify students of the option to use district contracted transportation services.
Signed by Governor, June 29, 2018
SB 743 (Sater)
School Calendar
Beginning in the 2019-2020 school year, this provision removes the requirement that public schools be in session for a minimum of 174 days. The provision would change the requirement to a minimum of 1,044 hours of actual pupil attendance with no minimum number of school days.
Charter Schools
Allows charter schools to give preference for admission to high-risk students when the school targets these students through its proposed mission, curriculum, teaching methods, and services.
ACT Assessment
Provides students the opportunity to choose between the ACT WorkKeys assessment and the ACT assessment in any school year in which the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education directs a state-funded census administration of the ACT assessment, or in which a school district directs the administration of the ACT assessment.
State Board of Education
Requires the Governor to appoint a teacher representative to the State Board of Education. The teacher representative shall attend all State Board of Education meetings and participate in deliberations. However, the teacher representative shall not have the right to vote on any matter or be counted for purposes of establishing a quorum. The teacher representative shall be an active classroom teacher, as described in the act, and have written support of his or her local school board. The teacher representative's term shall be for four years and subsequent appointments shall be made in rotation from each Congressional District, beginning with the First Congressional District and continuing in numerical order.
Early Learning Quality Assurance Program
Extends the sunset for the early learning quality assurance report pilot program from three years after August 28, 2016, to three years after August 28, 2019.
School District Bonds
Authorizes the treasurer of seven-director school district to use one or more sureties when entering into a bond to the state.
Gifted Education
Requires any school district with an approved gifted education program to have a policy, which shall be approved by the district's board of education, that outlines the procedures and conditions under which parents or guardians may request a review of the decision that determined their child did not qualify to receive services through the school district's gifted education program. School districts and school district employees shall be immune from liability for any and all acts or omissions relating to the decision that a child did not qualify to receive services through the school district's gifted education program. This provision also allows for the subject or whole grade acceleration of any student who demonstrates certain characteristics described in the act.
Early Childhood Education Funding
Provides that when including early childhood education students in a school's calculation of average daily attendance for purposes of state funding, the school may fill an enrollment spot vacated by a student leaving the program during the school year with another child who meets the same criteria without affecting the school's calculation of average daily attendance.
Data on Neglected or Delinquent Children
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education is prohibited from creating any report relating to the Missouri School Improvement Program in which data from a district's regularly enrolled students is aggregated with data from students residing in facilities that serve neglected or delinquent children. The Department shall aggregate all students residing in such facilities and issue reports as if the students and facilities were their own separate local educational agency.
Braille Instruction
Requires a student to receive instruction in Braille reading and writing as part of his or her individualized education plan (IEP) unless the IEP team determines that instruction in Braille or the use of Braille is not appropriate for the child.
Career and Salary Information
Requires the Department of Economic Development to annually identify occupations that are in critical need or shortage of trained personnel in Missouri and then provide the information to the State Board of Education. The legislation also requires the Department of Economic Development and State Board of Education to compile specified information relating to careers and salaries of various occupations, as well information relating to choosing post-secondary education, obtaining things like certificates, credentials, and licenses, and identifying what skills/traits are necessary to succeed in various careers. This information must be provided to all high schools in the state, who must then distribute the information to its students.
Allows teachers to count hours spent in externships with local businesses as professional development hours.
School Librarians
Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to develop a process for recognition of a district's school library information and technology program before July 1, 2019.
Sheltered Workshops
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education shall pay monthly, out of appropriated funds for that purpose, to each sheltered workshop a sum determined by specified criteria, but no less than $21 per day for each handicapped employee.
KCPS Transportation
Allows the Kansas City Public Schools school board to contract with any municipality, bi-state agency, or other governmental entity to transport high school children. The contract shall be for additional transportation services and shall not replace or fulfill any of the school district's obligations to transport students to and from school. The school district may notify students of the option to use district contracted transportation services.
Signed by Governor, July 5, 2018
SB 892 (Walsh)
Public School Retirement System
Allows any teacher retired from the Public School Employee Retirement System of Missouri (PSRS) to be employed in a position covered under the Public Education Employee Retirement System (PEERS) without stopping their retirement benefit. Such retired teacher may earn up to 60% of the minimum teacher's salary as set forth in Missouri statute and shall not contribute to PEERS or earn creditable service.
The employer's contribution rate shall be paid by the hiring employer. If a person is employed in excess of the salary limitation set forth in the act the person shall not be eligible to receive their retirement allowance for any month the person is employed and such person shall contribute to PEERS if he or she is employed in an eligible position.
Signed by Governor, July 5, 2018
HB 1415 (Lauer)
ACT Assessment
Provides students the opportunity to choose between the ACT WorkKeys assessment and the ACT assessment in any school year in which the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education directs a state-funded census administration of the ACT assessment, or in which a school district directs the administration of the ACT assessment.
Career and Technical Education
Allows school districts to rely on technical coursework and skills assessments developed for industry-recognized certificates and credentials when entering into partnerships. This also requires the Career and Technical Education Advisory Council to annually review, update and approve, and recommend a list of industry certifications, state-issued professional licenses, and occupational competency assessments; and modifies the Career and Technical Education Advisory Council by adding the Director of the Department of Economic Development.
Career Readiness Task Force
Establishes the "Career Readiness Course Task Force" to explore a course offering, for eighth or ninth grade public school students, that would cover topics related to various career and educational opportunities, as specified in the bill. The course should focus on career readiness and emphasize the importance of work ethic, communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. The course should also demonstrate that graduation from a four-year college is not the only path to success and discuss other pathways.
Allows teachers to count hours spent in externships with local businesses as professional development hours.
Sheltered Workshops
Beginning July 1, 2018, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education shall pay monthly, out of appropriated funds for that purpose, to each sheltered workshop a sum determined by specified criteria, but no less than $21 per day for each handicapped employee. The repeal of Section 178.930 and enactment of Section 178.931 are subject to an emergency clause which provides that the effective date of these provisions shall be July 1, 2018.
Signed by Governor, July 10, 2018
HB 1606 (Gannon)
School Calendar
Beginning in the 2019-2020 school year, this provision removes the requirement that public schools be in session for a minimum of 174 days. The provision would change the requirement to a minimum of 1,044 hours of actual pupil attendance with no minimum number of school days.
School Transparency
Requires every school district and charter school to maintain an accountability portal for the public. By September 1, 2019, each public school district and charter school must develop, maintain, and make available all publicly available income, expenditure, and disbursement information for the current fiscal year. The data on the portal must be updated quarterly and remain available for at least 10 years. If the expenditure and revenue information is not provided on a school district's website, then there may be a link provided to the information which is stored on the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's website. Additionally, the bill requires, by January 1, 2019, that the Department create a template for voluntary use by any school district needing assistance in developing an accountability portal. In the event that a school district or charter school does not maintain a website, the information must be maintained through the Department.
Transportation Funding
Currently, school districts are required to allocate one percent of moneys received under the school foundation formula to the professional development committee of the district. Under this provision, school districts may, by majority vote of the board, allocate less than one percent but no less than one-half percent when such school district is appropriated less than 25 percent of the allowable costs of providing pupil transportation under the school foundation formula. A school district may appropriate money in such manner until the end of fiscal year 2024.
ACT Assessment
Provides students the opportunity to choose between the ACT WorkKeys assessment and the ACT assessment in any school year in which the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education directs a state-funded census administration of the ACT assessment, or in which a school district directs the administration of the ACT assessment.
State Board of Education
Requires the Governor to appoint a teacher representative to the State Board of Education. The teacher representative shall attend all State Board of Education meetings and participate in deliberations. However, the teacher representative shall not have the right to vote on any matter or be counted for purposes of establishing a quorum. The teacher representative shall be an active classroom teacher, as described in the act, and have written support of his or her local school board. The teacher representative's term shall be for four years and subsequent appointments shall be made in rotation from each Congressional District, beginning with the First Congressional District and continuing in numerical order.
High School Equivalency
Provides a high school equivalency certificate applicant with the opportunity of voluntarily submitting his or her contact information for the purposes of evaluating college and career placement rates of certificate applicants. The provision, subject to appropriations, will also require the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to subsidize the examination fee for first-time exam takers.
Missouri Course Access
Changes the Missouri Virtual Instruction Program (MOVIP) to "The Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program" and allows any eligible student to enroll in program courses of his or her choice to be paid by the school district or charter school, if the student has been enrolled full-time in a public school, including a public charter school, for at least one semester immediately prior to enrolling in the program, and the course is approved by the student's school district or charter school through a procedure described in the provision. A student with a documented medical or psychological condition that prevented the student from attending school during the previous semester shall be exempt from the requirement that a student is enrolled full-time in and attended a public school for at least one semester in order to enroll in Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program courses.
School districts and charter schools shall adopt a policy that delineates the process by which a student may enroll in program courses. If a school district or charter school disapproves a student's enrollment request, such request shall be for "good cause." In cases of denial, a process is established for a student and his or her family to appeal such denial.
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education shall establish an authorization process for course providers and authorize those providers that submit all necessary information and offer courses that align to state academic standards. The authorization process shall provide for continuous monitoring of course providers and courses. The Department shall revoke, suspend, or take other corrective action if a provider or individual course no longer meets the requirements of the program.
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education is also required to publish an annual report on the state of the program that includes information as set forth in the provision. Additionally, the Department shall create a course catalog for the program with information about courses authorized and available to students in the state.
This provision requires the State Board of Education to: ensure that multiple learning management systems are provided for, provide an easily accessible link for course vendors on the program website, allow anyone to submit a course for approval, and require vendors to accept monthly payments for students enrolled in their courses. Courses already approved through MOVIP by August 28, 2018, shall automatically be authorized to participate in the program. Additionally, any online course or virtual program offered by a school district or charter school which meets the requirements of provisions of law relating to state funding for virtual schools shall automatically be approved to participate in the Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program. Such course or program shall be subject to periodic renewal. A school district or charter school offering such a course or program shall be deemed an approved provider.
Bus Drivers Medical Endorsement/Skills Test
Excludes the pre-trip inspection portion of the commercial driver license skills test required for school bus endorsement applicants who are 70 years of age or older. This examination is currently required annually for applicants who are 70 years of age or older to retain the school bus endorsement.
Changes the requirement that each school district maintain on file a statement from a medical examiner certifying the driver is physically capable and qualified to operate a school bus transporting pupils from an annual basis to a biennial basis.
School District Bonds
Authorizes the treasurer of seven-director school district to use one or more sureties when entering into a bond to the state.
Gifted Education
Requires any school district with an approved gifted education program to have a policy, which shall be approved by the district's board of education, that outlines the procedures and conditions under which parents or guardians may request a review of the decision that determined their child did not qualify to receive services through the school district's gifted education program. School districts and school district employees shall be immune from liability for any and all acts or omissions relating to the decision that a child did not qualify to receive services through the school district's gifted education program. This provision also allows for the subject or whole grade acceleration of any student who demonstrates certain characteristics described in the act.
Student Data Privacy
Provides that in the event of a breach of data maintained in an electronic form that includes personal information of a student, a school district shall notify the parent or legal guardian of the affected student. Notification of the breach shall also be sent to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the State Auditor.
Early Childhood Education Funding
Provides that when including early childhood education students in a school's calculation of average daily attendance for purposes of state funding, the school may fill an enrollment spot vacated by a student leaving the program during the school year with another child who meets the same criteria without affecting the school's calculation of average daily attendance.
Transportation Hardship
Requires the Commissioner of Education to assign a St. Elizabeth or St. Albans student to another school district if the student's parent requests, the driving distance from the student's residence to his or her school in the school district of residence is at least 15 miles, and the new school is at least five miles closer.
Braille Instruction
Requires a student to receive instruction in Braille reading and writing as part of his or her individualized education plan (IEP) unless the IEP team determines that instruction in Braille or the use of Braille is not appropriate for the child.
School Counselors
Beginning with the 2018-19 school year, this provision permits a school board or local education agency of a charter school to establish an academic and career counseling program in cooperation with parents and the local community that is in the best interest of and meets the needs of the students in the community. School districts and local education agencies may use the Missouri Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program as a resource for the development of a district or local educational agency program.
If a school district provides information about school health issues to parents and guardians of students in kindergarten to 12th grade, the school district shall include information that is identical or similar to that produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about influenza and influenza vaccines.
Career and Salary Information
Requires the Department of Economic Development to annually identify occupations that are in critical need or shortage of trained personnel in Missouri and then provide the information to the State Board of Education. The legislation also requires the Department of Economic Development and State Board of Education to compile specified information relating to careers and salaries of various occupations, as well information relating to choosing post-secondary education, obtaining things like certificates, credentials, and licenses, and identifying what skills/traits are necessary to succeed in various careers. This information must be provided to all high schools in the state, who must then distribute the information to its students.
It also requires the Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE) to promulgate rules and regulations to ensure public institutions of higher education post the names of all faculty and course schedules, along with specified information, on their websites. It is amended to require the CBHE and Department of Economic Development to provide specific information for each credential offered by public institutions of higher education, as well as to require said institutions to post the information alongside its credential offerings and in a course catalog if one is currently published.
Career Readiness Task Force
Establishes the "Career Readiness Course Task Force" to explore a course offering, for eighth or ninth grade public school students, that would cover topics related to various career and educational opportunities, as specified in the bill. The course should focus on career readiness and emphasize the importance of work ethic, communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. The course should also demonstrate that graduation from a four-year college is not the only path to success and discuss other pathways.
Allows teachers to count hours spent in externships with local businesses as professional development hours.
Sex Education
Requires course materials and instruction relating to human sexuality and sexually transmitted diseases to contain information about sexual harassment, sexual violence, and consent.
KCPS Transportation
Allows the Kansas City Public Schools school board to contract with any municipality, bi-state agency, or other governmental entity to transport high school children. The contract shall be for additional transportation services and shall not replace or fulfill any of the school district's obligations to transport students to and from school. The school district may notify students of the option to use district contracted transportation services.
Signed by Governor, July 13, 2018
HB 1665 (Swan)
Visiting Scholars License to Teach
Allows the State Board of Education to grant a visiting scholar certificate as a license to teach in public schools. The applicant must be employed in a content area in which the individual has an academic degree or professional experience. He or she may only teach classes for ninth grade or higher and the hiring school district must verify that the applicant will be employed as part of a business-education partnership initiative designed to build career pathways systems for students. The certificate will last for one year and the applicant can renew it a maximum of two times if certain requirements are met.
Signed by Governor, June 1, 2018
HB 1744 (Hansen)
A+ Schools
Modifies the A+ Schools Program by removing the requirement that the student's attendance of public high school occur in the three years immediately prior to graduation
Community College Districts
Allows a community college district, by a majority vote of its board of trustees, to propose a plan to the voters of the school district to attach the school district to the community college district, levy a tax rate equal to the rate applicable to the community college district at the time of the vote of the board of trustees, and call an election upon the question of such plan. The community college district shall be responsible for the costs associated with the election.
Signed by Governor, June 1, 2018
HB 2129 (Cookson)
Organ Donation
Requires public schools to allow any recognized organization that provides unbiased information on organ, eye, and tissue donation to make a 30-minute presentation to the schools' governing bodies. Schools must consider the presentation and decide whether to present the information to students and parents. No student may be required to participate in donation instruction if the student has a sincere belief contrary to such instruction.
Signed by Governor, July 5, 2018