DESE Administrative Rules

The Code of State Regulations comprises the full text of all rules of state agencies in force upon the effective date of their publication. 5 CSR is the body of rules of the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
  • Code of State Regulations
  • Incorporated by Reference Materials
  • Missouri Register
  • Pending Rules
  • Periodic Rule Review - a five (5)-year rolling review of existing rules that began July 1, 2020, as set forth in Section 536.175, RSMo. The report contains the results of the review which includes whether the rule continues to be necessary; whether the rule is obsolete; whether the rule overlaps; duplicates or conflicts with other rules; whether a less restrictive or more narrowly tailored rule is appropriate; whether the rule needs amendment or rescission; whether incorporated by reference materials are proper; and whether rules affecting small business are still relevant. The report contains an appendix with the nature of the comments the department has received on the rules and the agency responses to the comments.

Each regulation is adopted by the Missouri State Board of Education. Official copies of the full text of all regulations are contained in the Code of State Regulations, published by the Office of Secretary of State.