Safe Schools Act
Topic Index
- Affidavit of Expulsion
- Alternative Education
- Alternative Education Grants
- Disabled Children
- Disciplinary Records, Expungement
- Discipline
- Ephedrine, Penalty for Marketing
- False Bomb Report
- Guardianship for School Registration
- Homeless Child
- Information System, Tracking of Children
- Juvenile Officer
- Lifesaving Training, CPR
- Medication, Possession and Self-Administration
- National Guard Pilot Program
- Records, Requested and Provided by School Districts
- Registration Requirements
- Reporting Requirements for School Administrators
- Residency
- Restitution, Court may Order Work for Child
- Scheduled Substances
- School Accountability Report Card
- School Bus Permits
- School Employees to Report
- School Safety Provisions
- School Uniforms
- State Board may Modify or Waive Rules
- Superintendent to Report
- Suspension Reported to District
- Suspension or Expulsion of Students
- Suspension or Expulsion, Notice and Hearing
- Street Gang Activities, Violence Prevention Program
- Terrorist Threat
- Trespass, School Bus
- Unlawful Use of Weapons
- Violence Prevention Programs, State Aid
- Weapons Offense