2022 Key Education Legislation
Bills below, which become law, are effective August 28, 2022. Please note that the links below are to the Missouri General Assembly's website.
SB 681 (O’Laughlin) Drinking Water in Schools
Beginning in the 2023-24 school year and for each subsequent school year, each school shall provide drinking water with a lead concentration below five parts per billion (5 ppb). On or before January 1, 2024, each school shall complete requirements outlined in the act including: conducting an inventory of all drinking water outlets and outlets used for dispensing water for cooking or cleaning utensils in each school building, develop a plan for testing each outlet and make such plan available to the public and providing general information on the health effects of lead contamination to employees and parents of children at each school. Schools shall prioritize early childhood, kindergarten, and elementary school buildings in updating and filtering drinking water outlets for lead as stated in the act. Subject to appropriation, the Department of Natural Resources, with support from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and the Department of Health and Senior Services, is authorized to give schools additional funding for filtration, testing, and other remediation of drinking water systems. Child Abuse and Neglect in Schools
Show Me Success Diploma Program
Students who earn a Show Me Success Diploma may elect to remain in high school. Alternatively, a student having earned the diploma may instead enroll in a qualifying postsecondary educational institution. For each student enrolled in such an institution, an amount equal to 90 percent of the pupil's proportionate share of the state, local, and federal aid that the district or charter school receives for such student shall be deposited into a higher education savings account that lists the student as the beneficiary. Adult High Schools
Missouri Advisory Board for Educator Preparation
School Innovation Waivers
The State Board may grant school innovation waivers to exempt schools from requirements imposed by current law, or from any regulations promulgated by the State Board or DESE. If a school innovation waiver is granted to a school district or group of school districts, the waiver shall be applicable to every elementary and secondary school within the school district or group of school districts unless the plan specifically provides otherwise. Any waiver granted under this act shall be effective for no longer than three school years, but school innovation waivers may be renewed. No more than one school innovation waiver shall be in effect with respect to any one elementary or secondary school at one time. The State Board shall not authorize the waiver of any statutory requirements relating to teacher certification, teacher tenure, or any requirement imposed by federal law. Reading Instruction
Competency-Based Education Grant Program
Competency-Based Education Task Force
Holocaust Education
DESE shall develop a curriculum framework of instruction for studying the Holocaust. Such curriculum framework shall be made available to up to 25 school districts or schools within a district as a pilot program in consultation with the Holocaust Education and Awareness Commission beginning in the 2023-24 school year. Each participating school district shall provide a plan of professional development for teachers. The pilot program shall start in participating school districts in the 2023-24 school year and shall be expanded to include all school districts by the 2025-26 school year. DESE shall provide for an evaluation regarding the success and impact of the pilot program upon completion of the first year of the pilot program and shall report the results of such evaluation to the General Assembly. School Board Community Engagement Policy
Public Schools Accountability Under the act, any individual public elementary school, secondary school, charter school, or school district that is in the bottom 5 percent of scores on the annual performance report shall mail a letter to the parents and guardians of each student in such school or district informing the parents and guardians of the score and any options available to such students as a result of the school's or district's current status. Special school districts and any state operated schools in which all of the students enrolled are students with disabilities are exempted from this provision. School Board Districts
The act contains appeals language for any resident of the district that objects to the division of the district by the election authority, and prevents any district that votes to divide from making changes for five years after the division. Gifted Children
Under this act, if three percent or more of students enrolled in a school district are identified as gifted, the district is required to establish a state-approved gifted program for gifted children. If a school district has an average daily attendance of 350 students or fewer, the district's gifted program shall not be required to provide services by a teacher certified to teach gifted education. Any teacher who provides gifted services through the program, and is not certified, shall annually participate in at least six hours of professional development focused on gifted development. These provisions shall apply starting in the 2024-25 school year. Approval of such programs shall be made by DESE based upon project applications submitted at a time and in a form determined by the DESE. Special Education Reimbursement
Competency-Based High School Credits
Dollar Value Modifier
School District Residency Tuition Waiver
Braille Instruction
Reading Intervention
Each school district and charter school shall have on file a policy for reading success plans. The reading success plans shall provide all parents and guardians of students with a plan that includes suggestions for regular parent-guided home reading. Each school district and charter school shall provide intensive reading instruction to students as set forth in the act. The act repeals provisions relating to reading assessments and now states that school districts and charter schools shall assess all students enrolled in kindergarten through 3rd grade at the beginning and end of each school year for their level of reading or reading readiness. Additionally, all school districts and charter schools shall assess any newly enrolled student in grades one through five for their level of reading or reading readiness. At the beginning of the school year, each school district and charter school shall provide a reading success plan to any student who exhibits a substantial deficiency in reading or has been identified as being at risk of dyslexia. Each school district or charter school shall ensure the parent or guardian of any student in kindergarten through 3rd grade who exhibits a substantial deficiency in reading and shall provide them with information listed in the act. If a student has a substantial reading deficiency at the end of 3rd grade, promotion or retention of the student shall be discussed by the student's parent or guardian and appropriate school staff. School districts and charter schools shall provide students identified as having a substantial reading deficiency with certain services as set forth in the act. Recovery Programs for High School Students
Districts seeking to operate a recovery high school shall submit proposals to the Commissioner by December 1 in the year prior to the first school year in which the school would begin operation. The proposal shall detail how the school will comply with the existing requirements for public high schools as well as how the school will be accredited by a recovery school accreditation organization as described in the act. Each school district and charter school shall ensure that intensive reading instruction is provided through a reading development initiative to each kindergarten through 5th grade student who is assessed as exhibiting a substantial reading deficiency. Such instruction shall comply with criteria listed in the act. Teaching Certificates
The act allows provisionally certified teachers an alternative route to achieve their full professional certification beyond the qualifying score on a designated exam; the details of the alternative route are included in the act. Substitute Teaching
Until June 30, 2025, this act allows retired teachers that have a substitute certification to substitute teach part-time or as a temporary substitute and not have those hours and salary affect their retirement allowance. The act also requires DESE to develop and maintain an online substitute-training program with twenty hours of training related to subjects appropriate for substitute teaching. The act authorizes school districts to develop district specific orientations lasting two hours. Beginning January 1, 2023, the act authorizes substitute teachers that apply for a fingerprint background check the opportunity to submit the results to up to five different school districts for a specified fee. The act adds a web-based survey to be developed and maintained by DESE that will collect information from substitute teachers at the end of each day of teaching. Districts will provide links to substitute teachers to access the survey, which will contain questions regarding the support and interaction with school staff, student health and safety issues, among other relevant questions. School District Superintendent Sharing
Teacher Career Plans
Computer Science Courses
This act requires school districts to submit to DESE certain information related to its computer science courses and demographic enrollment information for such courses. Such information shall be posted on DESE’s website by September 30 of each school year. On or before June 30 annually, DESE shall publish a list of computer science course codes and names with a course description and shall indicate which courses meet or exceed DESE’s computer science performance standards. DESE shall appoint a computer science advisor to implement these provisions of the act. Beginning July 1, 2023, computer science courses successfully completed and counted toward state graduation requirements shall be equivalent to one science or practical arts credit for the purpose of satisfying admission requirements at any public institution of higher education in the state. Computer Science Education Task Force
The Task Force shall develop a strategic plan for expanding a statewide computer science education program, as described in the act. The Task Force shall hold its first meeting within three months of the effective date of the act and shall present a summary of its activities and recommendations for legislation to the General Assembly before June 30, 2023. The Task Force shall dissolve on June 30, 2024. Suicide Awareness & Prevention
Mental Health Awareness
Half-Day Educational Programs
Workforce Diploma Program
Before September 1, 2022, and annually each year after, DESE shall issue a request for qualifications for interested program providers to become approved providers to participate in the program. Each approved program provider shall meet qualifications set forth in the act, including having at least two years of experience in providing adult dropout recovery services. Advance Placement Exams
Imagination Library of Missouri This act creates the "Imagination Library of Missouri Program" within the Office of Childhood within the DESE, which shall be a statewide program for encouraging preschool children to read. Literacy Advisory Council
Vehicles Used to Transport School Children
The act also provides that school districts shall have the authority to use vehicles other than school buses to transport school children, specifies that the State Board shall not adopt rules or regulations governing the use of transportation network companies for the transportation of school children, repeals the requirement that drivers of non-school-bus vehicles transporting school children have a school bus driver's license endorsement, and provides that the vehicles other than school buses shall meet any additional requirements of the school district. The State Board shall not require an individual using a motor vehicle with a gross vehicle weight of 12,000 pounds or less for the purpose of providing student transportation services in a vehicle other than a school bus to obtain any license other than a class F license. Signed by Governor, 6/30/2022 |
SB 681 and SB 710 (O’Laughlin and Beck) Individualized Health Care Plans at Schools
All school employees shall be trained every two years in the care of students with epilepsy and seizure disorders. Training shall include an online or in-person course of instruction approved by the Department of Health and Senior Services. School personnel shall obtain a release from a student’s parent to authorize the sharing of medical information with other school employees as necessary. This act protects school employees from being held liable for any good faith act or omission while performing their duties. Signed by Governor, 6/30/2022 |
SB 683 (O’Laughlin) Office of Childhood
Day Camps
Nathan’s Law
Neighborhood Youth Development Programs
Signed by Governor, 6/30/2022 |
HB 1552 (Richey) Funding for Charter Schools
1) The amount of state and local aid per WADA received by the school district in which the charter school is located, not including any funds remitted to the charter school in the district; and 2) The amount of state and local aid per WADA of the charter school received by the charter school. When calculating such amount, DESE shall utilize the most current data to which DESE has access. The funding calculation above shall apply to charter schools operated only in certain locations as stated in the act. The members of a governing board of a charter school shall be residents of the state of Missouri. Charter Public School Commission
Virtual Education Program
Student attendance in a virtual program shall only be included in any district pupil attendance calculation or charter school pupil attendance calculation for the calculation and distribution of state school aid using current year pupil attendance for full-time virtual program pupils. Pursuant to an education services plan and collaborative agreement, full-time equivalent students may be allowed to use a physical location of the resident school district for all or some portion of ongoing instructional activity. A full-time virtual school program serving full-time equivalent students shall participate in the statewide assessment system, with the results to be assigned to the designated attendance center of the full-time virtual school program. The academic performance of any student who disenrolls from a full-time virtual school program and enrolls in a public school or charter school shall not be used in determining the annual performance report score of the attendance center or school district in which the student enrolls for 12 months from the date of enrollment. The act modifies under what circumstances a school district or charter school shall pay for a student's enrollment in a virtual school course. When a school delineates a policy by which a student may enroll in a virtual school course, such policy shall ensure that available opportunities for in-person instruction are considered prior to moving a student to virtual courses. Such policy shall also allow for continuous enrollment throughout the school year. The act requires DESE to adopt a policy for students enrolling in a full-time virtual program, with such policy containing information as stated in the act. Each host district shall implement such policy. Virtual school programs shall monitor individual student success and engagement and provide regular progress reports for each student at least four times per school year to the school district or charter school. The act repeals a provision requiring school districts and charter schools to monitor student progress and success. On or before January 1, 2023, DESE shall create a guidance document that details options for virtual course access and full-time virtual course access for all students in the state. The document shall be distributed as stated in the act. Signed by Governor, 6/29/2022 |
>HB 2365 (Shields) Quality Assurance Report
Signed by Governor, 6/7/2022 |