Data Acquisition Calendar

MO 500-
Due Date State Form Number or Collection System Form Title Authority Submitting Section
As Needed MO5003048 Child Complaint Corrective Action Plan Assurance Statement Department Compliance
As Needed MO5001303 Reimbursement Request for Approved Career Education Expenditures Department Office of College and Career Readiness
As Needed District Continuous Improvement (DCI)-Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Statement of Commitment District Continuous Improvement (DCI)-Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Statement of Commitment Department Effective Practices
As Needed MO5003129 English Parent Questionnaire - English Federal Office of Quality Schools
As Needed MO5003182 Pre-Certification Workshop Pre- and Post-Workshop Activities for Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) Directors State Office of Adult Learning and Rehabilitation Services
As Needed MO5003147 Administrator Mentoring Program - Priority and Focus Schools - New School Leaders Department Office of Educator Quality
As Needed MO5003188 Free and Reduced Price Meals or Free Milk Policy Federal/State Food and Nutrition Services
As Needed MOSIS Assessment/MOSIS ID Cleanup Federal/State Office of Data System Management
As Needed MO5003042 Substitute System Management Certification Form Federal/State Division of Financial and Administrative Services
As Needed MO5003217 SISK12 Parent Portal Access Agreement State Office of Special Education
As Needed ePeGS Child Care Development Fund Grant Budget Amendment Federal Office of Early Learning
As Needed MO5003200 Application for Use of School Premises State Office of Special Education
As Needed MO5003162 Civil Rights Compliance Review - Building Information Department Vocational Rehabilitation
As Needed MO5003204.xlsx Pathways for Teachers Grant Application Budget Worksheet Department Office of College and Career Readiness
As Needed MO5003129 Spanish Parent Questionnaire - Spanish (Encuesta Familiar) Federal/State Office of Quality Schools
As Needed MO5003181 Pre-Certification Workshop Pre- and Post-Workshop Activities for Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) Teachers State Office of Adult Learning and Rehabilitation Services
As Needed MO5003211 Student Level Data Request Application Department Office of Data System Management
As Needed MO5002756 Civil Rights Compliance Survey Federal Food and Nutrition Services
As Needed MOSIS Assessment Pre-Code Federal/State Office of Data System Management
As Needed MO5003213 Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS) Plan State Office of Special Education