Data Acquisition Calendar

MO 500-
Due Date State Form Number or Collection System Form Title Authority Submitting Section
As Needed MO5003156 Due Process Hearing Request Notice (Ages 3-21) - Model Form Federal/State Compliance
As Needed MO5001304 Application for Authorization of Career Education Expenditures Department Office of College and Career Readiness
As Needed District Continuous Improvement (DCI)-Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Statement of Commitment District Continuous Improvement (DCI)-Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Statement of Commitment Department Effective Practices
As Needed MO5002387 Notification of Assurances for A+ High Schools State Office of Quality Schools
As Needed OEQ-EdPrep-Matrix-Early-Childhood-B-3v2.docx Early Childhood Education, Birth - Grade 3 Matrix Department Office of Educator Quality
As Needed MO5003152 Web Systems User ID Request - Educator Preparation Programs Department Office of Educator Quality
As Needed MO5003194 Food Service Director Professional Standard Exemption Federal/State Food and Nutrition Services
Between 09/01 and 05/01 each year Application for Approval of Career Education Programs Secondary/Adult Only Department Office of College and Career Readiness
Monthly ePeGS Child Care Development Fund Grant Payment Request State Office of Early Learning
Monthly ePeGS Early Learning Blended Payment Request State Office of Early Learning
Monthly but required on October 1, December 1, and March 1 ePeGS PAT Invoice and Payment Request State Office of Early Learning