Child Care Subsidy Information for Families

The Missouri Child Care Subsidy Program increases access to early learning by helping eligible families with the cost of child care. This allows families to focus on finding and holding steady jobs or to attend school and training programs.

In order to qualify for child care assistance in Missouri, families must:

  • Have a child birth to age 13, or a child with special needs or receiving protective services
  • Need child care to work, search for work, participate in job training, or attend school
  • Be at or below 150% of the federal poverty level

Child Care Subsidy Parent Portal


Information About Child Care Subsidy

The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Child Care Subsidy Program aims to increase children's access to early learning by assisting eligible families with payments for child care in Missouri. This program helps families with the cost of child care so they are able to focus on finding and holding steady jobs or attending school and training programs.

Learn how families can qualify for child care subsidy, what the program pays for, transitional child care, and child care assistance for children with special needs.

Eligibility Information for Child Care Subsidy

To find out if you may be eligible for help with your child care cost, use the “Do I Qualify?” pre-screening tool linked below, or click “Apply for Assistance” to apply now in the child care data system.

Child Care Subsidy Rates and Sliding Fees

Governor Parson signed the Fiscal Year 2025 budget, which included an increase to the child care subsidy rate for the Fiscal Year (July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025). We are grateful to the Governor and the General Assembly for recognizing the importance of child care during this legislative session and approving this rate increase.

Read More

Report a Change in Child Care Subsidy

Any significant changes affecting the household, excluding income changes, should be reported within 10 calendars of when the change takes place.

Parents/guardians participating in the Child Care Subsidy Program are required to report the following changes:

To report a change, parents/guardians must update their online account or return the completed, signed form and any additional documents to:

Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 

Office of Childhood-Child Care Subsidy 

PO Box 480

Jefferson City, MO 65102   


A change can be reported in the parent portal or by using the paper form.