October 6, 2020 SBE Agenda

Tuesday, October 6, 2020
11:00 a.m.
By Conference Call
The public may join the livestream at:

https://livestream.com/modese/sbe(link is external)

In accordance with guidelines related to social distancing, the State Board of Education room in the Jefferson State Office Building will not be open to members of the public.      


I.                      Call to Order                

II.                     Agenda for the October 6, 2020, Meeting of the State Board of Education        Motion carried: Yes: 7; No: 0        

III.                    Items for Action                

            A.        Consideration of an Order of Rulemaking to Adopt 5 CSR 30-660.085, Attendance Hour Reporting     Motion carried: Yes: 7; No: 0           

IV.                   Adjournment           

 Anyone attending a meeting of the State Board of Education who requires auxiliary aids or services should request such services by contacting the Executive Assistant to the State Board of Education at 573-751-3563 or Relay Missouri at 800-735-2966, no later than 48 hours before the meeting.