June 2018 Agenda
June 14, 2018
8:30 a.m.
State Board of Education Room
205 Jefferson Street, 1st Floor
Jefferson City, MO 65101
(revised posting on June 6, 2018, to change the date from June 12 to June 14 due to the conflict of a sitting board member)
I. A. Recognition of Staff Achievements (reception to be combined with 3rd quarter achievements in October)
II. Oath of Office - Carol Hallquist (pending confirmation)
Oath of Office - Peter Herschend (pending confirmation)
III. Call to Order
IV. Agenda for the June 14, 2018, Meeting of the State Board of Education Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
V. Minutes of the December 1, 2017, and December 14, 2017, Meetings of the State Board of Education Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
VI. President’s Report
VII. National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE) Report
VIII. Consent Agenda
B. Consideration of Personnel Report Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
C. Consideration of Appointment to the Missouri Advisory Board for Educator Preparation (MABEP) Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
D. Consideration of Appointment to the Missouri Advisory Council of Certification for Educators (MACCE) Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
E. Consideration of School Calendars for State Board-Operated Programs for the 2018-2019 School Year Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
F. Consideration of Fiscal Year 2019 Trust Fund Budgets for the State Board-Operated Schools Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
G. Consideration of Sending Assignment to Area Career Centers – Kingston K-14 Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
H. Consideration of Designation of A+ High Schools Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
I. Consideration of Investment Transactions by Central Bank for Trust Funds Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
J. Fiscal Year 2018 Financial Summary Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
K. Consideration of Fiscal Year 2019 Salary Schedules for Department Support and Professional Staff, Schools for the Severely Disabled Teacher and Non-Teaching Positions, and Support Staff for State Board-Operated Programs Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
L. Consideration of Adoption of Personnel Policies Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
M. Consideration of Expedited Charter School Application Renewal for Scuola Vita Nuova Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
IX. Items for Action
N. Consideration of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Amend Rule 5 CSR 20-400.640, Certification Requirements for Initial Student Services Certificate Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
O. Consideration of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Amend Rule 5 CSR 20-400.510, Certification Requirements for Teacher of Early Childhood Education (Birth – Grade 3) Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
P. Consideration of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Amend Rule 5 CSR 20-400.520, Certification Requirements for Teacher of Elementary Education (Grades 1-6) Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
Q. Consideration of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Amend Rule 5 CSR 20-400.560, Certification Requirements for Teacher of Special Education Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
R. Consideration of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Rescind Rule 5 CSR 20-300.140, Extraordinary Cost Fund Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
S. Consideration of Charter School Application Renewal for Brookside Charter School Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
T. Consideration of Charter School Application Renewal for Eagle College Prep Endeavor Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
U. Consideration of Charter School Application Renewal for Gordon Parks Elementary Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
V. Consideration of Charter School Application Renewal for Lafayette Preparatory Academy Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
W. Consideration of Charter School Application Renewal for Lift for Life Academy Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
X. Items for Discussion
X. Update on the Development of MSIP 6
Y. Fiscal Year 2019 Budget Report
Z. Update on Commissioner of Education Search
AA. Discussion of 2018 and 2019 State Board Meeting Dates
BB. Update on St. Louis Public Schools
CC. Governmental Affairs Report
XI. Licensure
DD. Consideration of a Request by Adam Nathaniel Brandwein for Issuance of a Substitute Teaching Certificate Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
EE. Consideration of a Request by Robert L. Smith for Issuance of a Substitute Teaching Certificate Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
FF. Consideration to Discipline the License to Teach of Ryan P. Storie, Case # HR 17-016 Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
GG. Consideration of Disciplinary Actions by Stipulation Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
HH. Consideration to Discipline the License to Teach of Catina Kay Taylor, Case # HR 16-055 No Action
II. Consideration to Discipline the License to Teach of Jack E. Mushrush, Case # HR 17-002 Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
JJ. Consideration to Discipline the License to Teach of Alicia McKnight, Case # HR 17-009 Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
KK. Agenda Items for Two Months in Advance of Current Meeting
XII. Adjournment
XIII. Closed Session Motion Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
XIV. Closed Session