News and Updates
What is ListServ (SELs/SELs2)?
February 2000, the Office of Special Education created the Special Education Listserv (SELS). It has been and continues to be a limited e-mail group (with listserv being a misnomer since it really isn’t a listserv) available to only one contact person per school district/responsible public agency. It is used by the Office to disseminate important special education information concerning funding, compliance, data collection, professional development, etc.
The Office has created a second e-mail group called SELs2. This e-mail group is open to anyone wanting to subscribe (principals, teachers, parents, etc.). It will allow subscribers to receive the EXACT same messages as subscribers to SELs. By creating this second e-mail group, all constituents interested in special education will have the opportunity to receive the Office’s e-mail messages, not just one contact per school district/responsible public agency. It also allows DESE to maintain the ability to make sure that every district has at least one contact person per district receiving these messages. Messages are from DESE only and may only be posted by the manager (Lina Browner, Office of Special Education). Members may not post messages to either SELs or SELs2.
How Do I Subscribe?
Those interested in subscribing to SELs2 can do so by going to the following the links below.
Questions or Problems Subscribing to SELs and/or needing to change SELs information, contact Lina Browner, Executive Assistant, Office of Special Education at (573) 751-5739 or via email at Lina.Browner@dese.mo.gov
SELs Archives
- Special Education Finance Monthly Webinar – April 1, 2025
Source: Special Education Finance
Intended Audience: Special Education Directors, Financial Administrators, ECSE Directors
Date: March 26, 2025
The Special Education Finance Section will be hosting the regularly scheduled monthly training webinar Tuesday, April 1 at 9:00 a.m. Topics will include Verification of Data, Maintenance of Effort, Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Expenditures, and Coding ECSE Expenditures.
This webinar will be recorded and available on the Special Education Finance Training webpage https://dese.mo.gov/financial-admin-services/special-education-finance/special-education-finance-training-monthly-webinars.
To attend the monthly fiscal webinar, please go to https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://stateofmo.webex.com/stateofmo/j.php?MTID=m2efe456e47a04324b3a8f21649f012b1__;!!EErPFA7f--AJOw!Da8fe6ORGwj3wokqUvKULqHMJ77ONgvOfBuLk-ZbyEghLdgIUKxnm8wygHkVaMNrHeYOOOTN1Qqf-mhmvi34GwS0-PI$ or dial 650-479-3207 to join by phone.
Meeting Number: 2632 745 5627
Meeting Password: M3MuchByJ75
These webinars are scheduled the first Tuesday of every month at 9:00 a.m. The call-in information will be the same as what is listed above for each call. If you have any questions, please email the Special Education Finance Section at spedfunding@dese.mo.gov.
- Part B Application
Source: Gwen Deimeke, IDEA Coordinator, Office of Special Education
Intended Audience: System Stakeholders in Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Date: March 20, 2025
All states making application for funds under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) are required to make available for public review and comment the application packet for those federal funds. These are the funds that support provision of special education services to children ages 3 to 21 in Missouri. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has developed the draft application packet for IDEA Part B funds and by this notice is making the application available for review and comment at https://dese.mo.gov/special-education/compliance/part-b-annual-state-application.
The application packet, developed by the U. S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), includes a summary of the assurances, certifications, and IDEA use of funds descriptions that the state will use to implement Part B of IDEA. Upon OSEP's approval of Missouri's Part B application, the state will receive a federal grant award under Part B of IDEA for the period of July 1, 2025, through June 30, 2026.
As you review the application, please note the following:
- The application is in a format required by OSEP.
- Missouri is providing general assurances to OSEP that the state will be implementing the provisions of state and federal regulations for Part B of IDEA 2004.
- The dollar amounts listed in Section III, Use of Funds, are for State-level Administration and Targeted Initiatives; not the cost of serving students with disabilities or the total cost of special education services in Missouri.
- OSEP has not yet published the FFY 2025 IDEA allocations to states or provided states with their interactive spreadsheets to include with the Annual Application for Part B Funds. OSEP has advised states to insert the interactive spreadsheet from the previous year's application (in this case FFY 2024) for purposes of starting public comment. When the FFY 2025 spreadsheet becomes available, Missouri will add it to the posted application and remove the FFY 2024 spreadsheet named Grant Expenditures FFY 2024.
The application is available for review on our website from March 20, 2025, through May 20, 2025. Written public comments on the draft Part B application packet may be submitted from April 1, 2025, until the close of business on April 30, 2025, to the attention of Gwen Deimeke, IDEA Coordinator, at IDEA.comments@dese.mo.gov or P. O. Box 480, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0480 or by fax 573-751-3910.
- Verification of Data to be Used in FY 26 IDEA Part B (Section 611 and Section 619) Allocation Calculations
Source: Special Education Finance
Intended Audience: Superintendents, Special Education Directors, Finance Administrators
Date: March 19, 2025
DEADLINE: April 10, 2025
Local education agencies (LEAs) have an opportunity to verify that correct data have been reported for use in determining FY 26 IDEA Part B (Section 611 and Section 619) allocations. Preliminary data as of March 10, 2025, to be used in FY 26 IDEA Part B (Section 611 and Section 619) allocations for LEAs can be reviewed at https://dese.mo.gov/financial-admin-services/special-education-finance/part-b-funding-and-allocations. Any corrections to PK-12 September Enrollment, Parentally Placed Private School Student, Non-Resident, Home School, and Federal Programs Free and Reduced Lunch (FRL) data must be made in the system in which they were reported no later than midnight April 10, 2025. FRL data includes FRL students in grades K-12 found in the MOSIS October Student Core file. Any data changes made after April 10, 2025, will not be included in the FY 26 IDEA Part B (Section 611 and Section 619) allocation calculations. LEAs are responsible for verifying that any updates/changes are saved. Errors on reporting this data could result in a decrease in the LEA's FY 26 IDEA Part B (Section 611 and Section 619) allocations.
The CEP Identified Student percentage, Non-Public, and Neglected/Delinquent counts on the data spreadsheet are unable to be changed in the MOSIS system. Please contact the Special Education Finance Section with questions at 573-526-5283 or spedfunding@dese.mo.gov.
- Language Equality and Acquisition for Deaf Kids (LEAD-K) Act Survey for LEAs
Source: Missouri State University in collaboration with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of Special Education and Office of Childhood
Intended Audience: LEAs (Special Services Director, Director of Special Education, Early Childhood Special Education Director, Process Coordinator Special Education, Special Education Instructional Coordinator, Building Administrator, Superintendent, or Assistant Superintendent)
Date: March 18, 2025
Missouri State University (MSU) is contracted with Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to implement the Language Equality and Acquisition for Deaf Kids or Lead-K Act. More information about Lead-K is available at Language Equality and Acquisition for Deaf Kids (LEAD-K) Act | Early Connections.
MSU activities include conducting a needs assessment and completing a report of the findings. The needs assessment will help identify the needs of LEAs as it relates to supporting children ages 3 through 5 who are deaf or hard of hearing. You can help by completing and submitting the needs assessment survey at this link by April 9, 2025. The survey will take less than five minutes to complete. If you have questions, contact 417-838-7697 or Kris Grbac by email at krisgrbac@missouristate.edu.
- Summer Educational Opportunities for Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired (Summer Explorations)
Source: Missouri School for the Blind, St. Louis
Intended Audience: Special Education Teachers and Administrators, Students in Grades 3 – 12
Date: March 18, 2025
Missouri School for the Blind is pleased to offer Missouri students who are blind or visually impaired five summer sessions focused on developing students' abilities to access Core Curriculum and the Expanded Core Curriculum for the Blind and Visually Impaired. MSB seeks to provide non-traditional, high-quality, academic, and functional programs designed to supplement the student’s regular educational experience with an emphasis on the Expanded Core Curriculum for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
Session 1: Summer Explorations 2025 – Set Your Sights on Adventure - Grades 8-12 (June 23-July 3) is a nine-day opportunity for students to explore concepts in leisure recreation and community-based orientation and mobility. MSB staff will design each activity and lesson to teach students to optimize their orientation and mobility and compensatory skills to access community-based leisure recreation opportunities and increase their independence within the expanded core curriculum. Space is limited.
Session 1: Summer Explorations 2025 – Sports and Leisure Recreation - Grades 3-8 (June 23-July 3) is a nine-day opportunity for students to explore a variety of sports and leisure recreation activities including rock climbing, bowling, track and field, goalball, etc. Each day students will participate in a variety of fun and educational events that involve sports or leisure recreation.
Session 2: Explorations in Culinary Arts 2025 – Bon Appétit - Grades 8-12 (July 7-July 18) is a two-week program designed to introduce students who are blind or visually impaired to a variety of skills, techniques, and practical tips designed to make cooking fun, safe, and easy. During Bon Appétit, students will learn skills by experiencing and participating in a variety of lessons and activities cumulating in a Kids Cook-Off and Demonstration featuring our Bon Appétit participants.
Session 2: Summer STEM Explorations 2025 – Mission to Mars 2025 - Grades 3-8 (July 7-July 18) is an exciting and interactive opportunity for students to explore aspects of space exploration, our solar system, and STEM careers while participating in activities including rocket design and construction, electronics, scientific experiments, and elements of space exploration.
Sessions 1 and 2: Summer Explorations 2025 – Work Training and Experience Program (June 23-July 18) (ages 16-21 years) MSB, in conjunction with community partner(s), is pleased to collaborate this summer to provide Missouri students with the opportunity to work while going to summer school. Students will also learn job-related soft skills including communication, time management, problem-solving, and following instructions. A student will not be eligible to participate in the Work Training Program if they had worked at the location before. Space is limited.
Visit https://msb.dese.mo.gov/ for more information, including a schedule of events and the registration form. Summer applications are due May 1, 2025. Parents and school districts may also contact Desiree Morris, Assistant Superintendent, at 314-776-4320 or Desiree.Morris@msb.dese.mo.gov.
* Sessions are provided free of charge for qualifying students.
* Transportation and supervised residential housing are provided for students outside the St. Louis metro area during the week. All students are released at 1:00 p.m. on Fridays and will return home during the weekend.
- Parent Advisors for Missouri Statewide Parent Involvement Network (MoSPIN)
Source: Outreach/Missouri School for the Blind
Intended Audience: Early Interventionists, Special Educators, Teachers and Personnel of ECSE Programs, First Steps Service Providers, Parents as Teachers Parent Educators, Related Service Providers, Teachers of the Visually Impaired
Date: March 3, 2025
MoSPIN provides in-home education and empowerment to parents who have a young child with a visual impairment who may also have additional disabilities. If you like working with families, have experience with young children or children with special needs, want to learn more about children with visual impairments, and are willing to participate in five days of paid training (training dates scheduled for July 21-25, 2025), please join us as a parent advisor. Willingness to travel to nearby communities is necessary.
Being a parent advisor is a great opportunity for those wanting to earn extra income with flexible scheduling. If interested in additional details, please click on this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LCSTYFX.
For more information on MoSPIN, visit our MoSPIN website.
- FY 25 IDEA Part B Budget Application Revisions
Source: Special Education Finance
Intended Audience: Special Education Directors, Financial Administrators
Date: February 25, 2025
Special Education Finance staff have created 2024-25 IDEA Part B Budget Application revisions for all districts. Budget revisions for FY 25 must now be completed in ePeGS to budget any IDEA Part B 611 carryover, finalize Proportionate Share obligations and carryover, and finalize ECSE 619 carryover. The entire current year Proportionate Share obligation and any Proportionate Share carryover amounts must be budgeted under function code 1224 and/or 2557 SPED.
Step-by-step directions for completing and submitting budget revisions can be found in the FY 25 ePeGs Budget Application Guide at https://dese.mo.gov/media/pdf/fy25-budget-application-guide.
Questions may be directed by email to spedfunding@dese.mo.gov.
- Missouri Pathway of Aspiring Leaders (Mo-PAL) Special Education Leadership Endorsement
Source: Kindra Delp, Special Education Director, Special Education Leadership Development
Intended Audience: Superintendents, Principals, Special Education Directors, Process Coordinators, Special Education Teachers
Date: February 25, 2025
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), Office of Special Education developed a curriculum to provide a pathway to attain a high-quality education with the necessary knowledge, skills, and competencies to be an effective special education leader at the district level. Central to this vision is the Missouri Pathway for Aspiring Leaders in Special Education (MoPAL) program.
MoPAL is a two-and-a-half to three-year, DESE sponsored program. Individuals who currently hold a Missouri administrator certificate are eligible for participation at no cost. Through this program, aspiring leaders receive essential content through online professional learning modules, cohort learning experiences, coaching, and mentoring. During the first two years in the MoPAL program, participants complete a series of seven online modules focused on leadership issues in special education. The modules in the first-year focus on foundational elements of special education leadership including special education law, continuous improvement practices, and special education finance. In the second year, modules focus on leadership for quality special education instructional practices including high impact instructional practices, data-based decision making, effective teaching and learning practices, and family/community participation. All modules have been vetted by both DESE special education improvement consultants and Missouri special education administrators through MO-CASE. All participants are assigned a MoPAL consultant who helps participants anchor module content to real-world application through cohort meetings and one-on-one visits. During each participant’s third year, they receive individualized coaching and support as they complete a capstone project. MoPAL’s goal is to increase the number of qualified special education directors in our state, inspiring them to be innovative leaders who set the path for the use of research-based approaches to supporting students with disabilities in Missouri.
All qualified applications will be accepted until April 15, 2025. Applications received after that time will be considered as availability allows.
For more information regarding MoPAL, visit https://dese.mo.gov/special-education/missouri-pathway-aspiring-leaders-mopal.
If you need further assistance, contact Kindra Delp at Kindra.Delp@dese.mo.gov or 573-751-0225.