Missouri Performance Assessments
Missouri Performance Assessments
The performance assessments listed on this page were developed in a collaborative effort between DESE and Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs) in an effort to assess candidate ability to apply knowledge in authentic educational environments. These instruments are regularly reviewed to identify ways in which they might be improved, and data generated by them are evaluated to increase consistency between raters. Results of these assessments are used to validate candidate eligibility for certification and, in the aggregate, to document, on Annual Performance Reports, the effectiveness of EPPs.
Performance Assessment for Teachers
- Teacher Candidate MEES Assessment Rubric
- Teacher Candidate MEES User Guide (formerly Scoring Protocol)
- Additional Resources
- MEES Revision Presentation (2023)--Slides from a summer 2023 presentation providing an overview of the MEES, generally, and the 2023 changes, specifically.
- Calibration Article - 5 Tips to Understanding & Avoiding Bias
- Teacher Observation Tool (optional)
- Collection Tools. These data collection instruments were developed by EPP personnel and are being graciously shared. DESE does not require any particular collection method and does not endorse a certain tool. Questions should be directed to the authoring EPP.
- Google Form (Columbia College).
- Qualtrics (University of Missouri-Columbia)
- 2023 Teacher Performance Assessment (MEES) State Averages
Performance Assessment for School Counselors
- Missouri School Counselor Standards and Quality Indicators
- Missouri School Counselor Evaluation System (MEES) School Counselor Candidate Assessment
Performance Assessment for School Librarians
- Missouri School Librarian Candidate Assessment Rubric
- Missouri School Librarian Candidate Rubric Scoring Protocol