Missouri Advisory Board for Educator Preparation (MABEP)

The Missouri Advisory Board for Educator Preparation (MABEP) advises the State Board of Education and the Coordinating Board for Higher Education and foster meaningful and substantial collaboration and transparency among all stakeholders in the interest of improving the quality of teacher preparation in Missouri.

Please contact a member of MABEP by clicking this hyperlink "MABEP Members" with any questions or comments you may have.

MABEP Meeting Information

April 17, 2024AgendaUnofficial Minutes
February 14, 2024Agendaofficial Minutes
November 15,2023Agendaofficial Minutes
September 6, 2023AgendaOfficial Minutes
April 5, 2023AgendaOfficial Minutes
February 15, 2023AgendaOfficial Minutes
November 16, 2022AgendaOfficial Minutes
September 7, 2022Agenda Official Minutes 
April 27, 2022Agenda Official Minutes
February 16, 2022Agenda

Official Minutes


MABEP Agenda & Minutes Archive - 2021

MABEP Agenda & Minutes Archive - 2020

MABEP Agenda & Minutes Archive - 2019