Recorded Webinars

Date Webinar Office
09/27/2023 FTE Reporting: It’s a Full Time Job

Wednesday, September 27, 2023
10:30 a.m.

09/20/2023 Student Internet Connectivity: How Does it Connect to ESSER Year 4 Data?

Wednesday, September 20, 2023
10:30 a.m.

05/01/2023 ESSER Data Collection Year 4 Annual Report

Topic:  ESSER Data Collection Year 4 Annual Report
Date: May 1
Time: 10:00 a.m.

Link to access the webinar:  ESSER Data Collection Year 4 Annual Report

06/13/2022 Teacher Baseline Salary Grant Webinar

Recruitment and Retention

The Fiscal Year 2023 budget includes $21.8 million for a new Teacher Baseline Salary Grant program designed to increase teacher salaries in many local education agencies (LEAs) across the state. Qualifying LEAs can apply for grant funds to boost their teacher salary levels to a baseline amount of $38,000. LEAs that currently employ teachers making between $25,000 and $38,000 per full-time equivalent (FTE) are eligible to apply. Under this grant opportunity, up to 70 percent of the additional funds to increase teacher salary levels to $38,000 would come from state grant funds. The remaining 30 percent and related benefit costs would come from local sources. Applications for the grant are due on Friday, July 15, 2022.

Educator Quality
03/17/2022 MSIP 6 Informational Webinar

DESE will host a live webinar at noon on Thursday, March 17 to share more about MSIP 6 with stakeholders and take questions from the field. Join the webinar at https: //

Quality Schools
02/24/2022 Relief Funds Webinar - Maintenance of Equity Requirements

Local education agencies (LEAs) receiving ESSER III funds are required to maintain equity of funding and staffing in their schools with the greatest rates of poverty. DESE is hosting a webinar to provide specifics about the requirements and how LEAs may receive an exception, and to answer questions from the field. LEAs are strongly encouraged to attend this webinar on Thursday, February 24, 2022 at 2:30 p.m. You may access the webinar at https: // The webinar will be recorded and posted in the Webinars Hosted section of DESE’s COVID-19 webpage.

Financial and Administrative Services
12/13/2021 Public Hearing for Proposed Changes to the Missouri Part B State Plan

The purpose of the public hearing is to allow stakeholders to learn about proposed changes to the Part B State Plan. Participants ask clarifying questions through the chat. Responses to questions received via chat are posted with the recorded webinar within five business days.

Special Education
11/29/2021 Public Hearing for Proposed Changes to the Missouri Part B State Plan

The purpose of the public hearing is to allow stakeholders to learn about proposed changes to the Part B State Plan. Participants ask clarifying questions through the chat. Responses to questions received via chat are posted with the recorded webinar within five business days.

Visit https :// to view the proposed changes and public hearing information.

Special Education
10/07/2021 Migrant Education Program Kickoff Meeting– October 2021


The purpose of the virtual event is to meet Migrant Education Program (MEP) partners working in the state; review important information and forms; and, hear about the MEP Service Delivery Plan evaluation being conducted this year. 

Do you need special assistance to access this content? Submit a request here to receive a captioned video or transcript.

Migrant Education
Phone:  573-751-8280
Fax:  573-526-6698
Quality Schools
10/05/2021 2021 Nonpublic Registration and Public School Verification Webinar


The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) hosted a Nonpublic webinar to discuss the online Nonpublic Registration and Public School Verification processes on Tuesday October 5, 2021.  It is essential for both public and nonpublic schools to participate in the webinar as the process will require online participation from both the public and nonpublic schools. In order to have the most up to date federal programs information, please subscribe to the Federal Programs listserv

If you have questions about this webinar, please contact the Office of Quality Schools-Grants & Resources at (573) 526-3232 or email
Need special assistance to access this content? Submit a request here to receive a captioned video or transcript.
Quality Schools
06/30/2021 Enrollment and Identification of Students Experiencing Homelessness Webinar

Understand McKinney-Vento requirements around identification and enrollment of students experiencing homelessness. Learn strategies to enhance your work with students experiencing homelessness.



Cheryl Kosmatka
McKinney-Vento Homeless Coordinator
(573) 522-8763
Quality Schools
06/07/2021 ESEA Consolidated Application Webinar 2021

This is the ESEA Consolidated Application recorded webinar for 2021. In order to receive ESEA grant funds, the consolidated application must be successfully submitted by or before July 1, 2021.  In order to have the most up to date federal programs information, please subscribe to the Federal Programs listserv.  For ESEA Consolidated Application Processing Tips or if you have questions, please contact your federal programs regional supervisor.  Staff Directory

Quality Schools
06/01/2021 New Directors Fiscal Call - June 2021

The Special Education Finance Section will host a webinar the first Tuesday of every month to discuss upcoming due dates, ePeGS issues, hot topics, and frequently asked questions. To join the webinar, go to:

Special Education
05/05/2021 DHSS & DESE COVID-19 Webinar - May 2021

Thanks to those of you who were able to join our May DESE/DHSS COVID-19 webinar, the last event in our monthly webinar series. Here are the links to the webinar recording and the PowerPoint slides, which are both posted in the “Webinars Hosted” section of DESE’s COVID-19 webpage.

05/04/2021 New Directors Fiscal Call - May 2021

The Special Education Finance Section will host a webinar the first Tuesday of every month to discuss upcoming due dates, ePeGS issues, hot topics, and frequently asked questions. To join the webinar, go to:

Special Education
04/07/2021 DHSS & DESE COVID-19 Webinar - April 2021

DESE and DHSS hosted a webinar to discuss the ongoing updates, challenges and questions related to COVID-19.

04/06/2021 New Directors Fiscal Call - April 2021

The Special Education Finance Section will host a webinar the first Tuesday of every month to discuss upcoming due dates, ePeGS issues, hot topics, and frequently asked questions. To join the webinar, go to:

Special Education
03/03/2021 DHSS & DESE COVID-19 Webinar - March 2021

DESE and DHSS hosted a webinar to discuss the ongoing updates, challenges and questions related to COVID-19.

02/03/2021 DHSS & DESE COVID-19 Webinar - February 2021

A few helpful resources were mentioned during the webinar. The links are referenced below for easy access.

02/02/2021 New Directors Fiscal Call - February 2021

The Special Education Finance Section will host a webinar the first Tuesday of every month to discuss upcoming due dates, ePeGS issues, hot topics, and frequently asked questions. To join the webinar, go to:

Quality Schools
01/22/2021 Part B State Plan Public Hearing Date

Part B State Plan Public Hearing Webinar #1 12-18-20

Transcript Part B Public Hearing #1 12-18-2020


This webinar is one of two webinar public hearings on the proposed changes to the Part B State Plan of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

System stakeholders in Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) should watch the webinar.

01/06/2021 DHSS & DESE COVID-19 Webinar - January 2021

Much of today’s conversation centered around the vaccine, so we encourage you to review the recording if you were unable to join us live. Up-to-date information about the vaccine is available at While there are still many details that have yet to be finalized, rest assured that DESE will share any and all information about the availability of the vaccine for educators and school staff in Phase 1B as soon as those details are finalized at the state level.

Here are the links to the webinar recording and the PowerPoint slides, which are both posted in the “Webinars Hosted” section of DESE’s COVID-19 webpage.

01/05/2021 New Directors Fiscal Call - January 2021

The Special Education Finance Section will host a webinar the first Tuesday of every month to discuss upcoming due dates, ePeGS issues, hot topics, and frequently asked questions. To join the webinar, go to:

Special Education
01/05/2021 Part B State Plan Public Hearing Webinar #2 1-5-21

Transcript Part B Public Hearing #2 1-5-2021


This webinar is the second of two webinar public hearings on the proposed changes to the Part B State Plan of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

System stakeholders in Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) should watch the webinar.

Quality Schools
12/18/2020 Part B State Plan Public Hearing Date

Part B State Plan Public Hearing Webinar #1 12-18-20

Transcript Part B Public Hearing #1 12-18-2020


This webinar is one of two webinar public hearings on the proposed changes to the Part B State Plan of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

System stakeholders in Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) should watch the webinar.

Special Education
12/01/2020 DHSS & DESE COVID-19 Webinar - December 2020

DESE and DHSS hosted a webinar to discuss the ongoing updates, challenges and questions related to COVID-19. The slides from the webinar can be viewed here.

12/01/2020 New Directors Fiscal Call - December 2020

The Special Education Finance Section will host a webinar the first Tuesday of every month to discuss upcoming due dates, ePeGS issues, hot topics, and frequently asked questions. To join the webinar, go to:

Special Education
11/28/2020 New Directors Fiscal Call

The Special Education Finance Section will host a webinar the first Tuesday of every month to discuss upcoming due dates, ePeGS issues, hot topics, and frequently asked questions. To join the webinar, go to: .

Special Education
11/03/2020 New Directors Fiscal Call - November 2020

The Special Education Finance Section will host a webinar the first Tuesday of every month to discuss upcoming due dates, ePeGS issues, hot topics, and frequently asked questions.

To join the webinar, go to: 

Special Education
10/13/2020 Supporting Students Experiencing Homelessness During School Reopening Webinar

Federal Education Laws Remain in Effect. Every local educational agency (LEA) must have a liaison currently in place with adequate capacity to identify McKinney-Vento students and ensure their enrollment, full participation, and equitable access to services.

If you have questions about the webinar, please contact Cheryl Kosmatka at (573)522-8763 or email

Quality Schools
10/09/2020 Informational Webinar: Antigen Tests for K-12 Schools

DHSS and DESE hosted a webinar to provide details about the antigen test kits (Abbott BinaxNOW cards) the State of Missouri is providing to public and private K-12 districts/schools that apply.

10/06/2020 The Nonpublic Registration and Public School Verification Webinar - October 2020

October 2020

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) will be hosting a Nonpublic webinar to discuss the online Nonpublic Registration and Public School Verification processes. It is essential for both public and nonpublic schools to participate in the webinar as the process will require online participation from both the public and nonpublic schools.

The webinar will be recorded and posted for future review at under "Webinar Information."

Webinar is scheduled annually between OCT 1 - NOV 30.

If you have questions about the webinar, please call (573)526-3232 or email

Quality Schools
09/10/2020 Core Data/MOSIS October Cycle 2021 Webinar

This Core Data/MOSIS October 2021 Webinar provides information on updates for the new school year and the October Cycle of Core Data/MOSIS, as well as give participants the opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback.

Data System Management
08/27/2020 CARES Act Webinar

The CARES Act has provided funding for a number of grants that benefit school districts and charter schools. The Missouri Student Connectivity, Transportation Supplement, Transportation Meal Delivery, COVID-19 Response Supply Reimbursement, and Emergency Worker Childcare grants will be further explained during this webinar, including the grant purposes, requirements and allowable expenses. School leaders should plan to attend this informational session with Dr. Kari Monsees, Deputy Commissioner; Dr. Chris Neale, Assistant Commissioner; David Tramel, Coordinator; Debra Clink, Manager; and Julie Cowell, Coordinator. The presenters will answer questions at the end of the webinar, as time allows.

Financial and Administrative Services
08/21/2020 MOCAP Webinar

The COVID-19 pandemic has increased interest in virtual education options for students. DESE will provide information on the Missouri Online Course Access and Virtual School Program (MOCAP), including requirements for school districts and charter schools. School district and charter school administrators, including those responsible for administering MOCAP are invited to view the presentation by Dr. Chris Neale, Assistant Commissioner and Caysie Turner, Virtual Administrator.

View the recorded webinar (approx. 31 minutes)

The above link has also been added to DESE’s COVID-19 webpage (Remote Teaching/Learning Resources & Alternate Educational Opportunities section)

Quality Schools
07/23/2020 AMI and AMI-X Plans

This webinar will help you to learn more about Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) and Alternative Methods of Instruction – Extended (AMI-X) plans.

These links have also been added to DESE’s COVID-19 webpage (Alternative Methods of Instruction section) and the AMI webpage, which is your direct source for all things related to AMI and AMI-X. An additional AMI/AMI-X guidance document will be published to that webpage soon.

Quality Schools
06/30/2020 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

Presenters: Karen Allan, Former Director of Compliance, Office of Special Education
Brenda Simmons, Director of Transition Services, Vocational Rehabilitation.

Intended Audiences

Topics presented in this program should be of interest to general and special education teachers, general and special education administrators, parents, hearing officers and others who have an interest in the provision of services to children and youth with disabilities.

  • View Video


06/30/2020 Significant Disproportionality Webinar

Federal regulations on Significant Disproportionality (Equity in IDEA) went into effect on January 18, 2017.  The regulations establish a standard methodology that states must use in identifying LEAs with significant disproportionality, and require that states establish various thresholds with stakeholder input.  In order to gather input from stakeholders, the Office of Special Education has posted a recorded webinar with an overview of the regulations as well as results of preliminary data analysis.  

View the pre-recorded webinar prior to the live webinar on May 5, 2017 (approximately 22:30 minutes)

Superintendents and Special Education Directors should view this webinar.


If you experience trouble during the webinar, first read through our help guide, and if assistance is still needed, call 573-751-7848.

06/30/2020 Recorded Webinar for Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

Date: Tuesday, September 6, 2016

View the recorded webinar (approx. 47 minutes)


If you experience trouble during the webinar, first read through our help guide, and if assistance is still needed, call 573-751-0699.



06/29/2020 Part B State Plan Public Hearing

Part B State Plan Public Hearing

Date: Tuesday, December 17, 2019

This webinar is one of two webinar public hearings on the proposed changes to the Part B State Plan of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

System stakeholders in Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) should watch the webinar.

If you experience trouble during the webinar, first read through our help guide, and if assistance is still needed, call 573-751-5739.

06/29/2020 Part B State Plan Public Hearing Recorded Webinars SPED

Part B State Plan Public Hearing

Date: Tuesday, December 17, 2019

This webinar is one of two webinar public hearings on the proposed changes to the Part B State Plan of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

System stakeholders in Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) should watch the webinar.

If you experience trouble during the webinar, first read through our help guide, and if assistance is still needed, call 573-751-5739.

05/11/2020 CARES Act Update and Technical Assistance

View this webinar to get information about the CARES Act.

Visit our CARES Act Website for more information. 

Click here for the PowerPoint handouts

Financial and Administrative Services
04/28/2020 Core Data/MOSIS June Cycle 2020 Webinar

This Core Data/MOSIS June 2020 Webinar will provide information on the June Cycle of Core Data/MOSIS, as well as give participants the opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback.

Data System Management
04/28/2020 Core Data/MOSIS June Cycle Webinar

This Core Data/MOSIS June 2020 Webinar will provide information on the June Cycle of Core Data/MOSIS, as well as give participants the opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback.

Data System Management
01/28/2020 Core Data/MOSIS February Cycle 2020 Webinar

This Core Data/MOSIS February 2020 Webinar provides information on the February Cycle of Core Data/MOSIS, as well as give participants the opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback.

Data System Management
01/28/2020 Core Data/MOSIS February 2020 Webinar

This Core Data/MOSIS February 2020 Webinar provides information on the February Cycle of Core Data/MOSIS, as well as give participants the opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback. View the webinar here.

Data System Management
01/02/2020 Part B State Plan Public Hearing

This webinar is one of two webinar public hearings on the proposed changes to the Part B State Plan of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

System stakeholders in Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) should watch the webinar.

  • See full Public Hearing Notice
Special Education
12/17/2019 Part B State Plan Public Hearing

This webinar is one of two webinar public hearings on the proposed changes to the Part B State Plan of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

System stakeholders in Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) should watch the webinar.

Special Education
05/29/2019 2019-20 ESEA Consolidated Application Webinar

The Federal Programs Section will be hosting a webinar that will provide information on completing and submitting the ESEA Consolidated Application which includes the ESEA Consolidated Budget and Plan. There will be time to give participants the opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback.

Quality Schools
04/11/2019 Part C Application Public Comment Webinar

2019 Part C Application for Federal Funds: Public Hearing on Revised Policies

Stakeholders interested in Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) should watch the webinar. 

Missouri Part C Application for Federal Funds under IDEA and Notice of Public Hearings SELs message

Special Education
03/18/2019 Part C Application Public Comment Webinar

2019 Part C Application for Federal Funds: Public Hearing on Revised Policies

Stakeholders interested in Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) should watch the webinar. 

Missouri Part C Application for Federal Funds under IDEA and Notice of Public Hearings SELs message

Special Education
09/12/2018 Core Data/MOSIS October Cycle 2019 Webinar

This webinar will provide information on current submissions related to Core Data/MOSIS, as well as give participants the opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback. 

Data System Management
09/12/2018 Core Data/MOSIS September 2018 Webinar

This webinar will provide information on current submissions related to Core Data/MOSIS, as well as give participants the opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback. 

Data System Management
08/16/2018 2018-19 MAP-A for Experienced Educators

This webinar is intended for Special Education personnel who have previously been trained to administer the Missouri Assessment Program-Alternate (MAP-A). This webinar will review updates for the 2018-19 school year, eligibility criteria for participating in the MAP-A, navigating the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) websites, location of manuals used for testing, interpreting the Individual Score Reports and reviewing how to choose Essential Elements (EEs) for testing.  

Special Education
08/02/2018 Dyslexia - Characteristics and Supports 6 though 12

This webinar will cover common developmental characteristics and how they appear in the classroom as well as some helpful supports with a focus on grades 6-12.

View the recorded webinar (with captions) on YouTube

College and Career Readiness
07/26/2018 Dyslexia - Characteristics and Supports Pre-K through 5

This webinar will cover common developmental characteristics of dyslexia and how they appear in the classroom as well as some helpful supports.

View the recorded webinar (with captions) on YouTube

College and Career Readiness
07/19/2018 Dyslexia - The Myths and the Science

Clarifying popular misconceptions and some the science behind the definition of dyslexia as well as the three parts of the mandate.

View the recorded webinar (with closed captions) on YouTube

College and Career Readiness
03/16/2018 Core Data/MOSIS & Food and Nutrition Services - Direct Certification/DirectMatch Training: Non-Publics

To view this webinar, please contact the Office of Data System Management at to have the YouTube link emailed to you.

The Offices of Data System Management and Food & Nutrition Services are collaborating to implement a new Direct Certification (DirectMatch) component. This webinar will provide information on how to use the DirectMatch component, as well as give participants the opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback.

Data System Management
03/01/2018 Core Data/MOSIS & Food and Nutrition Services - Direct Certification/DirectMatch Training - Publics

To view this webinar, please contact the Office of Data System Management at to have the YouTube link emailed to you.

The Offices of Data System Management and Food and Nutrition Services are collaborating to implement a new Direct Certification (DirectMatch) component within the MOSIS ID system. This webinar will provide information on how to use the DirectMatch component, as well as give participants the opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback. 

Data System Management
02/23/2018 MOSIS ID System Training

The Offices of Data System Management and Food and Nutrition Services are collaborating to implement a new Direct Certification component within the MOSIS ID system. This webinar will provide information on the Batch Upload process and how to manage MOSIS State ID's, as well as give participants the opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback.

Copyright eScholar LLC © 2020

Data System Management
02/13/2018 ESSA Coding Guidance Discussion

In this webinar, DESE staff discuss the various ESSA coding guidance documentation that has been distributed to districts and entertain questions regarding this material.  

In the recording of this webinar there were several typos in the presentation material. The correct presentation may be printed from the “About this Webinar” section of this page.

Question and answers from this webinar may be printed from the “About this Webinar” section of this page.

The typos are as follows:

  • Slide 44, 2nd green bullet down should have a double asterisk.
  • Slide 50, 4th bullet down should read 1151-6311.
  • Slide 50, 9th bullet down should read 3811-xxxx.
  • Slide 51, 2nd bullet down should read 1111, 1131, 1151, 1193, 1194 – 6411.
  • Slide 51, 3rd bullet down should read 1111, 1131, 1151 – 6398.
Financial and Administrative Services
01/18/2018 New Directors’ Academy Winter 2018

This academy is part of a series of trainings for any individual who has assumed the position/duties of a Director of Special Education for the first time during the 2016-17 or 2017-2018 school year. 

This academy will continue to focus and build on core activities new directors must complete during their initial months of employment that will assist them in the management of special education procedures and practices that promote positive outcomes for students with disabilities while ensuring the rights of students are protected.  Topics to be covered are:  Special Education Compliance, Data Collection and Reporting, Special Education Finance, and General Supervision/Monitoring of Special Education Programs.  

Any individual who has assumed the position/duties of a Director of Special Education for the first time during the 2016-17 or 2017-2018 school year should view this webinar.

Special Education
09/01/2017 McKinney-Vento and Exploring Doubled-Up Scenarios

Children and youth who are sharing the housing of others due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason are eligible for McKinney-Vento Act rights and services. There is no time limit on McKinney-Vento eligibility. It depends on the living situation. Many families will remain in doubled-up situations for months or even years as they struggle to find employment and housing, and to address other challenges that may be causing their homelessness. If the shared housing situation becomes fixed, regular and adequate (for example, if the housing is adequate for the number of people living there, and if the two families share rent and lease responsibilities), the children may no longer be McKinney-Vento eligible. Also, the school of origin best interest determination may change over time depending on educational and other factors.

If you have questions about the webinar, please contact Cheryl Kosmatka at (573)522-8763 or email

Quality Schools
03/27/2014 Title I Preschool

Non-Regulatory Guidance on Title I Preschools was updated by the US Department of Education in October of 2012. This webinar will cover the updated guidance and how Title I funds can be used to provide preschool services to eligible preschool students.

Quality Schools
05/24/2012 School Transportation Formula

This webinar covers the basic components of the school transportation funding formula and will help the viewer to have a better understanding of the formula and the impact of transportation data on the district’s state transportation aid.

Financial and Administrative Services