Alternative Methods of Instruction
Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI)
Beginning in school year 2020-21, a local education agency (LEA) will not be required to make up school hours that are lost or canceled due to exceptional or emergency circumstances (up to 36 hours) if the LEA implements an Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) Plan that is approved by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). Please see the information below to assist with your district's AMI Plan.
- Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) Plans - Administrative Memo OQS-24-004
- Alternative Methods of Instruction Application
- Alternative Methods of Instruction Application Questions
- Section 171.033, RSMo
- Quality Schools Guidance Document
- Special Education Guidance Document
Stuart Smith, Improvement and Accountability Manager
Email: msip@dese.mo.gov
Phone: 573-751-4426