Start a Child Care Program
To become a child care provider in Missouri, you must first decide what type of child care program you want to operate. The type of child care program will determine the steps involved in becoming a provider and receiving approval to begin operating with more than six children, or more than three children under age 2.
Licensed Child Care Programs
Licensed child care facilities receive a child care license from the Office of Childhood (OOC) to operate in the state of Missouri. These facilities are inspected once a year for fire safety and sanitation requirements, and twice a year for compliance with licensing rules and regulations. The ownership of these facilities can be individual people or legal entities, such as LLCs or corporations. Licensed child care includes the following options (click each button to learn more):
License-Exempt Child Care Programs
License-exempt child care facilities are not licensed by OOC; however, these facilities are inspected once a year for fire safety and sanitation requirements, and once a year for compliance with license-exempt rules and regulations. License-exempt child care includes the following options (click each button to learn more):
Additional Information
The Office of Childhood contracts with child care providers to offer subsidized care through the Child Care Subsidy Program. These providers can be licensed, license-exempt, or exempt programs per Section 210.211, RSMo. For more information about contracting with the Child Care Subsidy Program, please visit our Child Care Subsidy webpage.
Resource Documents
- Application for License to Operate a Child Care Facility
- Guide to Completing the Application for License to Operate a Child Care Facility
- Child Care Emergency Preparedness Online Training and Template
- Choose Safe Places Program
- Equipment List
- Equipment List Guide
- Guide for Developing a Daily Schedule
- Guide for Developing Parent Policies
- Listing of Child Care Staff Members/Household Members
- Medical Examination Report for Caregivers and Staff
- Sample Safe Sleep Policy
- Sanitation Training
- TB Risk Assessment Form
- Sample Weekly Menu