Referral, Evaluation, Eligibility, Services, and Placement
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) is a state and federally-mandated program for young children with disabilities, ages 3-5. Children who meet eligibility criteria may receive Early Childhood Special Education services in various settings, such as a pre-kindergarten classroom, in the home, or community settings, such as Head Start and preschool.
- Do you suspect a disability?
Any person who has knowledge of a child and suspects a delay in development can make a referral to consider special education and related services. A delay would be suspected if the child is not meeting typical developmental milestones. This determination can be made by referencing age expected behaviors. There are many sources for developmental milestones including:
- Evaluation/Eligibility Services
The local ECSE program is responsible for locating, evaluating, and, if the child qualifies, providing special education and related services for children ages 3-5 in the state of Missouri. Services for eligible children are provided through the local school district or area educational cooperative.
- Where are services provided?
- Contact Information
Phone: 573-751-0699
Email: secompliance@dese.mo.gov
Website: https://dese.mo.gov/special-education/compliancePreschool
Phone: 573-751-6793
Email: preschool@dese.mo.gov