Find Child Care

Choosing child care is an important decision. Each child is unique and it takes time, patience and an understanding of what to look for when choosing child care. You know the needs of your child and family. However, you may need assistance in matching those needs to available resources. We are pleased to share resources that are available to assist you with this important decision.

Show Me Child Care Provider Search

A web-based listing of all licensed and license-exempt providers in Missouri can be found at Show Me Child Care Provider Search.

Regulated Child Care Provider Listing

A listing of all licensed and license-exempt providers in Missouri can be found here.

Child Care Aware® of Missouri

If you would like help choosing child care, call 1-866-892-3228 or visit

Child Care of Aware® of Missouri serves as a community resource on child care throughout the state. They connect families to child care, early learning, and after after-school programs. They work with child care program owners, directors, and teachers to improve the quality of their programs. They also provide business and civic leaders with information on the value and importance of child care and collaborate with them to make child care safe and enriching for children.

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