Early Head Start - Home-Based

Early Head Start Home-Based Option (EHS-HBO) is a national program recognized by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Home Visiting Evidence of Effectiveness project as a home visiting model that meets the criteria as an “Evidence-based Early Childhood Home Visiting Service Delivery Model.” The EHS-HBO model delivers a range of services, consistent with federal guidance for Head Start programs, through weekly 90-minute visits with pregnant women and/or primary caregivers of children birth to three years of age. The program promotes interactions between the home visitor and primary caregiver that are nurturing, responsive, and intentionally support the primary caregiver’s role as their child’s first and most important teacher. Together, the home visitor and primary caregiver plan ways to help the child learn using parent-child interactions, daily routines, and household materials to make their home and community the learning environment. Services are provided primarily in the home and through group socialization activities. The program assists primary caregivers to identify strengths and set goals for themselves and their family.
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of Childhood, supports contracted EHS-HBO programming in Butler and Ripley Counties. Services are offered voluntarily and at no charge to eligible families.
- Geographic Availability/Contact
- Eligibility/Additional Information
- Pregnant women and primary caregivers with children birth to age three who are from families with incomes below federal poverty guidelines are eligible for Early Head Start Home-Based Option services. Children from homeless families and families receiving public assistance such as TANF or SSI are also eligible. Foster children are eligible regardless of their foster family’s income.
- Weekly 90-minute home visits for each child enrolled in the program; 52 visits per year recommended with minimum of 46 visits/year.
- 10-12 Children per home visitor with a maximum of 12 families for any individual home visitor.
- National Model Information