State Resources

series of small blocks attached with twine and string layout showing the shape of a lightbulb
Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Program

The Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Program (CYSCHCN) provides assistance statewide for children and youth with special health care needs from birth to age 21. The program focuses on early identification and service coordination for children and youth who meet medical eligibility guidelines. 

Governor's Council on Disability

The Governor’s Council on Disability (GCD) conducts educational seminars and onsite training as well as publish a legislative newsletter, a resource directory, and informational brochures on topics relating to people with disabilities. 

Missouri Autism Guidelines Initiative (MAGI)

The Missouri Autism Guidelines Initiative (MAGI) provides recommendations, guidance, and information about current best practice in screening, diagnostic, and assessment services for individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). 

Missouri Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

The Missouri Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing works with individuals, service providers, businesses, organizations, and state agencies to improve the lives and opportunities of all Missourians with hearing loss. 

Missouri School-Wide Positive Behavior Support

The Missouri School-wide Positive Behavior Support (SW-PBS)(link is external) is a process for creating safer and more effective schools by structuring the learning environment to support the academic and social success of all students. The process supports the adoption and long-term implementation of efficient and effective discipline throughout the school environment. SW-PBS methods are research-based, proven to significantly reduce the occurrence of problem behaviors in schools and supported by a three-tiered model.

Missouri State Plan for Special Education

The Missouri State Plan for Special Education contains regulations applicable to all public agencies within the State of Missouri responsible for providing special education and related services for students with disabilities. This includes state agencies, local education agencies, charter schools, and state and local juvenile and adult correction facilities. 

Missouri State University Blindness Skills Specialist Program

Through the Blindness Skills Specialist Program at Missouri State University(link is external), the Blindness Skills Specialist is available to help educational teams modify and design instruction in all subject areas including the expanded core curriculum unique to students who are visually impaired. 

Office of Autism Services

The Office of Autism Services was established in 2008 (633.210 RSMo) to provide leadership in program development for children and adults with autism spectrum disorders, to include establishment of program standards and coordination of program capacity. 

Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS)

University of Missouri (MU) Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS)(link is external), an outreach program of the MU College of Education, offers no-cost pre-employment transition services provided to Missouri public school students with disabilities, ages 16-21, who are potentially eligible for vocational rehabilitation services. These services are designed to make an impactful difference for more students with disabilities at an earlier age which will lead to better coordination, enhanced communication, stronger collaboration, and increased successful post-school outcomes. 

Project ACCESS

Project ACCESS(link is external) is a collaboration between the Missouri Department of Education and Missouri State University charged with providing training and support to educators who teach students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Project ACCESS designs and presents free and low cost autism-specific professional development to pre-K to grade 12 educators at locations throughout Missouri. In addition, Project ACCESS offers fact sheets, an online community of practice, information on evidence-based practices, a blog/social media and tools useful to educators who have students who are on the autism spectrum or who have a related disability.

Rehabilitation Services for the Blind

Rehabilitation Services for the Blind (RSB) helps eligible blind and visually impaired persons achieve personal and employment success. Services are provided with the belief that with the right training and resources each blind or visually impaired person will be able to achieve this goal. 

Southeast Missouri State University Autism Center for Diagnosis and Treatment

The University Autism Center(link is external) is committed to serving individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other developmental disabilities and their family, caregivers, and service providers throughout the Southeast Missouri region. The center provides diagnostic evaluations and re-evaluations (infants through 18), assessment for treatment planning, assessment and treatment for behavioral services based on the principles of applied behavior analysis, speech and language assessment and treatment, social skills and social cognition assessment and treatment. 

Special Health Care Needs-Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services

The Special Health Care Needs (SHCN) section of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) provides information and resources about those who have or are at increased risk for a disease, defect, or medical condition that may hinder the achievement of normal growth and development and who also require health and related services of a type or amount beyond that required by individuals generally.

State of Missouri Disability Portal

The State of Missouri Disability Portal provides information about a variety of resources. Resources can be sorted by service, region, county, and/or disability. 

State Performance Plan (SPP)/Annual Performance Report (APR)

The State Performance Plan (SPP/Annual Performance Report (APR) page is where you will find links to Part C and Part B SPP/APR reports, determinations letters, and related resources.

Truman University Blind Skills Program

The primary goal of the Truman State University Blind Skills Program(link is external) is to enhance the educational performance of students who are blind or visually impaired.  The Blind Skills Specialist is available to help teachers modify and design instruction in all subject areas including expanded core curriculum unique to students who are visually impaired. By implementing the instructional techniques, your teachers will enhance the educational performance of students with a visual impairment. 

Vocational Rehabilitation

Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) specializes in employment and training services that can assist in obtaining employment. To be eligible for these services, a person must have a physical or mental impairment that causes problems with working and need VR services to be successfully employed. VR offers services in guidance and counseling, job-seeking skills and job placement, and vocational training.

Wolfner Talking Book and Braille Library

The Wolfner Talking Book and Braille Library, a division of the Missouri State Library, provides free library services to Missourians who cannot use standard print materials due to a reading disability, visual impairment, or physical impairment. Eligible students and the schools who serve them may borrow materials in audio, braille, print/braille, and large print formats. Patrons may use Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD), which allows them to download books and magazines to a smart device. To complete an application for service, go to the main link (noted above) and click "Apply for Services" on the left hand side of the screen. For more information, you can contact us toll-free in Missouri at 800-392-2614 or 573-751-8720. You can also fax us at 573-751-3612 or email sends email).