Pre- Approved List
Professional Development opportunities are available to directors and staff of local AEL programs.
Pre-Approved List
- AEL Directors' Conference - PD Hours TBD
- Commission on Adult Basic Education (COABE) Conference - 12 PD Hours
- COABE Regional Conference - 8 PD Hours
- HiSET Conference - 8 PD Hours
- GED Conference - 8 PD Hours
- Missouri Association of Adult Continuing and Community Education (MAACCE) Conference - 10 PD Hours
- MAACCE all-day preconference – additional 6 PD Hours
- Missouri Association for Workforce Development (MAWD) Conference - 8 PD Hours
- Missouri Reentry Conference (for Department of Corrections staff only) - 6 PD Hours
- National Center for Families Learning Conference - 10 PD Hours
- Pro Literacy Conference on Adult Education - 12 PD Hours
- Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Conference - 12 PD Hours
- MIDTESOL Conference - 8 PD Hours
- LINCS - PD Hours as listed on LINCS website.