First Steps Online Module Training
The First Steps Online Module Trainings were designed to provide general information about First Steps (Part C of IDEA) to a variety of audiences, including Service Coordinators, providers, higher education faculty, local education agency (LEA) personnel and other stakeholders.
IMPORTANT NOTE: the DESE First Steps modules are migrating to a new platform called Canvas on February 5, 2024. After February 5, the former Moodle platform will no longer be supported. For any questions or concerns, please contact eMINTS Support or Early Intervention.
Register or Return to Modules
In order to obtain a certificate of completion for First Steps modules, users must create an account.
NOTE FOR FIRST STEPS PROVIDERS: Make sure the name on the account you use to register for the modules matches your name in your First Steps WebSPOE account. For example, if you enrolled in WebSPOE as "Jane Smith," make sure the Gmail/Microsoft/Yahoo etc. account name is also "Jane Smith." If you are unable to change the name of the Gmail/Microsoft/Yahoo account, you may want to create a new account that matches your WebSPOE account."
To determine what modules, if any, are required for First Steps providers, please go to: Personnel Standards
For technical issues with the modules, please submit a request for support by using the eMINTS Support Request form.
Module Transcripts/Overview
Module 1 - Orientation
Module 1: Orientation covers the philosophy of the First Steps system, the legal requirements of Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and information about the way First Steps operates in Missouri, including how the process is conducted between families and professionals.
Module 2 - Eligibility Determination
Module 2: Eligibility Determination covers screening, evaluation and assessment and the eligibility process, as well as writing evaluation and assessment reports. This module also includes information about informed clinical opinion, natural environments and the First Steps beliefs statements.
Module 3 - Individualized Family Service Plan
Module 3: Individualized Family Service Plan covers the procedures and the process of writing an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) that focuses on child and family outcomes. This module will address the legal procedures for developing an IFSP, what information is required to be in an IFSP, and how to write an IFSP in order to have a better understanding of why natural environments are important in First Steps and how the family is involved in IFSP planning and services.
Module 4 - Transition
Module 4: Transition provides Missouri's early intervention providers information about the transition processes that are part of the First Steps system. This module addresses the components of transition as required by Part C and provides suggestions for ensuring that transitions are smooth and effective for children and their families.
Module 5 - Family Engagement
Module 5: Family Engagement provides Missouri's early intervention providers information that addresses working with families with multiple risks, maintaining professional boundaries and conducting high quality and meaningful home visits. Information on cultural competence and ethical considerations is also included in the module.
Module 6 - Early Intervention Teams
Module 6: Early Intervention Teams provides an introduction to transdisciplinary teams as utilized by the First Steps program. This module includes an overview of multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary teams, the rationale and structure for early intervention teams, and guidelines for effective teaming.
Module 7 - Early Childhood Outcomes
Module 7: Early Childhood Outcomes focuses on skills children use to be successful in everyday routines and activities, as well as, skills to be successful in future school settings.
Module 8 – Foundational Practices in Early Intervention
Module 8: Foundational Practices in Early Intervention are the skills professionals use to be successful during interactions and activities with young children and families. Determining the effectiveness of those skills require careful consideration of multiple sources through evidence-based decision-making. This module identifies foundational practices within key areas of early intervention.
Module 9 - Missouri's Requirements and Expectations for DAYC-2 Administration
Module 9: Missouri’s Requirements and Expectations for DAYC-2 Administration includes understanding the components of the First Steps evaluation process, administering the evaluation instrument and completing the written report. The Developmental Assessment of Young Children - Second Edition (DAYC-2) is the uniform evaluation instrument to assist in eligibility determination in First Steps for children suspected to have a developmental delay. This module is a supplemental activity for First Steps providers who have been selected by the System Point of Entry (SPOE) and have completed the DESE-sponsored training on the First Steps requirements for being an EI Examiner.
Module Resource Library
The Module Resource Library includes the collection of resources from each module in one location. Resources can be searched by type or topic. Types of resources in the library include documents, videos, references/books and supplemental resources. Available topics to search are Child Trauma, Cultural Competency, EIT Model, Evidence-based Practice, Family Engagement, Family-Centered Practice, Home Visits, Natural Environment or Routines. The resources may be used at EIT meetings, shared with families, or offer sources for professional development.