VR Agency Funding Information

The Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) and Supported Employment (SE) programs are funded, in part, with federal grant funds awarded by the Department of Education. In FFY 2023, the agency received $70,447,118 in federal grant funding and $19,066,374 of state funds for VR services. Total VR funding of $89,513,492 is comprised of 78.7% federal monies and 21.3% of state matching funds. In FFY 2023, the agency received $274,286 in federal grant funding and $14,436 of state funds for SE services. Total SE funding from this award is $288,722 comprised of 95% federal monies and 5% state matching funds.


Due to restricted funding, Missouri Vocational Rehabilitation is currently unable to provide services to all individuals with disabilities. A statewide Order of Selection has been implemented. Individuals will be served on the basis of the severity of their disability.