Virtual Learning Platform (VLP)

VLP Image

The Virtual Learning Platform (VLP) is an online portal that provides access to free professional learning modules and supporting materials to all Missouri public schools and their teachers. The system is available to teachers and school administrators through the DESE Application Sign-in (DAS) system and can be accessed at any time and used as a reference for users once the courses are complete. If you do not have a DESE web apps account and would like to view the VLP, please use our Guest Access(link is external).

Please view these files for instructions on accessing the VLP:

Professional learning modules include the following topics:

  • Collaborative Climate and Culture
  • Effective Teaching and Learning, including Academic, Behavioral, and Science of Reading
  • Data-based Decision Making
  • Standards, Curriculum, and Assessment
  • Leadership
  • DESE Endorsements & Certifications

For additional details regarding content please see this informational pamphlet.

To learn more about the DESE Endorsements and certifications regarding the Missouri Pathway for Aspiring Leaders (MoPAL) modules please visit their page. Additionally, all professional development modules in the VLP would be a great source of training for teachers to meet Career Ladder training requirements.

Please use this file to view a detailed map of the Virtual Learning Platform Professional Learning Modules.

The VLP may be used in a variety of ways, from totally self-directed use by individual teachers to highly directed and structured use for teams of educators. The VLP includes space for user collaboration, pre/post assessments, handouts, worksheets, and other training materials. A district or school may decide to learn and implement the content using an internal facilitator, or for schools desiring more support, RPDC staff is available to provide initial training and/or follow-up coaching and technical assistance activities through contracted services.

The VLP includes a Formative Assessment Builder (FAB). See the “Formative Assessment-Literacy-Grade 2” PLM located under the Standards, Curriculum, and Assessments pillar for information about the FAB and watch this video to see how the FAB works.