Nurse Family Partnership

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Nurse Family Partnership® (NFP) is a national program recognized by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Home Visiting Evidence of Effectiveness project as a home visiting model that meets the criteria as an “Evidence-based Early Childhood Home Visiting Service Delivery Model.” Services are provided primarily in the home and follow a recommended schedule of frequency that varies depending on the prenatal and postnatal status of the mother and age of the child up to 24 months. The NFP model’s primary goals include improved pregnancy outcomes by helping women engage in good prenatal health practices, improved child health and development by helping primary caregivers provide competent care for their children; and improved economic self-sufficiency by helping primary caregivers develop a vision for their and their family’s future.

The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of Childhood, supports contracted NFP programming in 20 counties. Services are offered voluntarily and at no charge to eligible families.

Geographic Availability/Contact
Eligibility/Other Information
  • Low-income first-time pregnant women enrolled prior to the 28th week of pregnancy.
    • One Office of Childhood supported site, Southeast Hospital, has an approved model enhancement to enroll low-income pregnant women who have had a previous child (multiparous) prior to the date of delivery.
  • Visits are an average of 60 minutes. Nurse Home Visitors conduct weekly home visits during the first four weeks of prenatal enrollment; every two weeks until delivery; postpartum, weekly for six weeks; then every other week until the child reaches the age of 21 months and then monthly to the age of 24 months.
  • Maximum of 25 families per Nurse Home Visitor.
National Model Information