For the edit STC01050 - Unexpected student age for grade level, when the age and grade level are correct, do we just leave this warning and do nothing?
For the edit STC01050 - Unexpected student age for grade level, when the age and grade level are correct, do we just leave this warning and do nothing?
Students enrolled in a private school are counted by whom?
Students enrolled in a private school are counted by whom?
Which field should I mark in the Student Core file for Enrolled on Count Date (Y or N)?
Which field should I mark in the Student Core file for Enrolled on Count Date (Y or N)?
How can I get the presentation handouts?
How can I get the presentation handouts?
Are we required to assign MOSIS IDs for our PAT students?
Are we required to assign MOSIS IDs for our PAT students?
What exit code do I use if a pre-school student transfers to Head Start?
What exit code do I use if a pre-school student transfers to Head Start?
We have a student that is currently an adult and is incarcerated. Is it appropriate to use the stopout code? The student has not reached 20 consecutive days, but they are having a negative effect on our building attendance.
We have a student that is currently an adult and is incarcerated. Is it appropriate to use the stopout code? The student has not reached 20 consecutive days, but they are having a negative effect on our building attendance.
Is there a definition for Teacher of Record? How long can a substitute teacher fill a gap between teachers before we should report as Teacher of Record?
Is there a definition for Teacher of Record? How long can a substitute teacher fill a gap between teachers before we should report as Teacher of Record?
Do we need to wait 15 school days to report the student as a stopout?
Do we need to wait 15 school days to report the student as a stopout?
In regards to the 20-day stopout rule, the indication was "about 15 school days." Does that mean five non-school days? What if the date range falls over some holidays/breaks (i.e., Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break, etc.)?
In regards to the 20-day stopout rule, the indication was "about 15 school days." Does that mean five non-school days? What if the date range falls over some holidays/breaks (i.e., Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break, etc.)?