Students enrolled in a private school are counted by whom?
Students enrolled in a private school are counted by whom?
How do we report Home School student lunch counts?
How do we report Home School student lunch counts?
How can I get the presentation handouts?
How can I get the presentation handouts?
Do we report PAT students in the October Cycle, or do we only report caseloads for our PAT Educators?
Do we report PAT students in the October Cycle, or do we only report caseloads for our PAT Educators?
Are we required to assign MOSIS IDs for our PAT students?
Are we required to assign MOSIS IDs for our PAT students?
What exit code do I use if a pre-school student transfers to Head Start?
What exit code do I use if a pre-school student transfers to Head Start?
We have a student that is currently an adult and is incarcerated. Is it appropriate to use the stopout code? The student has not reached 20 consecutive days, but they are having a negative effect on our building attendance.
We have a student that is currently an adult and is incarcerated. Is it appropriate to use the stopout code? The student has not reached 20 consecutive days, but they are having a negative effect on our building attendance.
Do we need to wait 15 school days to report the student as a stopout?
Do we need to wait 15 school days to report the student as a stopout?
In regards to the 20-day stopout rule, the indication was "about 15 school days." Does that mean five non-school days? What if the date range falls over some holidays/breaks (i.e., Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break, etc.)?
In regards to the 20-day stopout rule, the indication was "about 15 school days." Does that mean five non-school days? What if the date range falls over some holidays/breaks (i.e., Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break, etc.)?
I had a student that attended preschool last year and then didn't show up for kindergarten this year. I do not know if this student is attending anywhere now. Would I need to drop this student?
I had a student that attended preschool last year and then didn't show up for kindergarten this year. I do not know if this student is attending anywhere now. Would I need to drop this student?