School Transportation

What are ineligible transportation miles?

All miles that are driven for any purpose other than transporting students to and from school during the regular school term are ineligible for state transportation aid. Non-disabled summer school routes, routes ran only to transport students who live less than one mile from school, non-disabled early childhood routes, field trips, athletic trips, and other extra-curricular activity trips are examples of ineligible miles.

What transportation requirements are in place for students with disabilities?

Students with disabilities who have special transportation needs must have those needs detailed in the student's IEP (Individualized Educational Plan) under Related Services.  These needs may include the requirement for an aide on the bus with the student, curb-to-curb service, transportation for a student with disabilities living less than one mile from school, and transportation for special education summer school.  If written into the student's IEP these expenses are considered eligible for state transportation aid.

What are non-allowable transportation costs?

Non-allowable costs include salaries for non-transportation related duties, expenses for the portion of a transportation facility not used for school transportation purposes, buses that are ten years of age or older, supplies for vehicles or equipment that are not used to transport pupils, administrative support service expenditures that exceed 5% of the transportation costs, travel, lodging, and meals associated with professional development and vehicles other than school buses  (5 CSR 30-261.040 (1) (A), (C) 3, (F), (G), (H), and (I)).

Who retains the documentation on school bus driver physicals, criminal history background checks, training, and criminal history background checks?

The school district or school bus contractor should retain documentation for all school bus drivers' physical, criminal history background checks, 8 hours of annual training, applicable FMCSA entry level driver training, and the criminal history background check results (162.065, RSMo).

What must school bus contracts include?

Written contracts are required for all contracted bus transportation services.  The contracts should include requirements that the driver(s) and vehicle(s) meet all applicable state statutes and State Board of Education regulations.  This department also suggests that the contract include the reimbursement amount, the insurance required by the school district, and that the contract requires the tracking of ridership and mileage.  The contract must be on file in the school district's office (5 CSR 30-261.010).