Missouri General Education Assesment (MoGEA)
I would like to know when these changes will be announced and what we need to do to prepare for these changes?
Memos were sent to the educator preparation programs for distribution to students, faculty/staff, and educator preparation leaders on January 15, 2013. The CollegeBASE will not be administered as an entry assessment for teacher preparation after December 31, 2013. There are four remaining dates when candidates can take the complete test and the individual subtests. The remaining 2013 test dates are: March 16-23, June 10-15, and July 29-August 3. Candidates who need to pass one or more of the subtests will need to pass those on one of two remaining test dates:&n
I just want to be clear on the administration of the CBASE. If students pass all sections, they have met the requirement. For those who did not pass all sections of the CBASE, will there be remaining test windows in 2013?
Candidates who have passed all sections of the CollegeBASE prior to September 1, 2013 will have met the general education requirement. After that date, candidates who need to pass one or more subtests, will have two remaining 2013 test windows: September 14-21 and November 18-23.
When are the last opportunities to pass remaining CBASE subtests only?
In response to questions 2 and 3, candidates who have passed all sections of the CollegeBASE prior to September 1, 2013 will have met the general education requirement. After that date, candidates who need to pass one or more subtests, will have two remaining 2013 test windows: September 14-21 and November 18-23
When will the new test be administered and will it be similar to CBASE?
The new assessment will be similar with having subtests in English/language arts, writing, mathematics, science, and social science. The new test will be available starting September 23, 2013.
I am a freshman Education major and just started class. I have not taken any of my education classes yet. Do I need to take the CBASE test now? I am not quite sure I am ready to take it, but if it is required to take now then I will sign up.
We would suggest that you wait and take the new general education assessment. The MoGEA will be offered beginning in September 2013. Information related to registration, testing dates, locations, and preparation materials will be released in April.
Will the MoGEA resemble the CBASE in that it will require a minimum score?
MoGEA will resemble the CollegeBASE. The assessment will have subtests for English/language arts, writing, mathematics, science, and social science. The writing exercise will focus on a topic related to education. There will be Missouri Qualifying Scores established for each of the subtests. The Missouri Qualifying Scores will be set by the Missouri State Board of Education.
What strategies will be used to achieve this important goal?
The Missouri Education Reform Plan outlines the critical strategies that will be used to become a top 10 performing state. This includes:
1) Expanding opportunities for quality voluntary early childhood education.
2) Developing a comprehensive system for the recruitment, preparation, selection, support and evaluation of effective educators.
3) Implementing higher and clearer academic and performance standards and a rigorous and internationally benchmarked assessment system.
4) Developing and using the longitudinal data system to improve instruction.
When is this goal to be reached?
The year 2020 is the target date for this goal. Annual benchmarks will be established and monitored to track progress toward meeting the goal.
Why is this important?
The educational requirements for occupations are increasing, particularly for new and emerging occupations, high-technical, high-skilled, and high-wage jobs. In addition, changes to the economy, job requirements and society now demand that every high school student graduate prepared to continue to postsecondary education and the workforce.