Adapted Physical Education

Do I have to report testing (193100) and case management of IEPs (198600) if teachers do it during their plan time and/or before and after school?

Testing and case management only need to be reported as separate assignments if minutes are dedicated to those functions.  Therefore, if testing or case management of IEPs is done during plan time, before/after school or on an as needed basis, no assignment is needed.

How do I report special education teachers who co-teach with a general education teacher?

Report the special education teacher with the appropriate special education course code (begins with 19), delivery system of CO and a caseload number reflecting the number of students with disabilities in the co-taught classroom.  Report the general education teacher with the appropriate general education course code and student assignment listing which includes all students in the class.  The general education teacher should NOT use the CO delivery system.

Are there age requirements for the elementary and high school programs? Can students of one age take courses from another program?

Younger students are permitted to take higher level courses. When older students  take elementary classes, they may not earn credit for completing elementary classes.  However, if an IEP team determines that the child needs a certain level of course work that is offered by MoVIP  the IEP will be implemented as it is written.

What makes a child eligible for adapted physical education?

The IEP team determines whether a student requires adapted physical education or is able to participate in regular physical education. Federal Regulations under IDEA (300.108) states: “Physical education services, specially designed if necessary, must be made available to every child with a disability receiving FAPE, unless the public agency enrolls children without disabilities and does not provide physical education to children without disabilities in the same grades.

What is the goal of adapted physical education?

The primary goal of adapted physical education should be to ensure that the child is provided with physical education services that meet his/her unique needs. A consideration of the IEP team when determining if the child needs an adapted program would be the safety of the student. Another consideration would be the development of the student’s motor skills. Adapted physical education programs strive to ensure that each student actively participates in physical education programs at his or her own level and that the student is integrated into the regular education program whenever possible.

What is adapted physical education?

Adapted physical education is specially designed instruction provided to students who are unable to participate in a regular physical education class, even with modifications, accommodations or supplementary aids and services. Adapted P.E. includes special P.E., adapted P.E., movement education, and motor development. It is considered a special education service.