Upgrading from Initial Certificate to Career Certificate
The classification, Initial Professional Certificate (IPC) or Initial Career Education Certificate (ICEC), is valid for four years from the date of issuance. Any additional areas(s) of certification issued during the valid dates of this classification will fall under the same classification regardless of the certificate effective date. Therefore, all areas of certification under the IPC classification will have the same expiration date.
During the four years that you hold this classification, you need to complete the following requirements before you can upgrade to a Career Continuous Professional Certificate (CCPC) or Continuous Career Education Certificate (CCEC), both valid for 99 years:
1. Complete four years of Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) approved teaching experience.
Approved teaching experience includes at least half-time, contracted employment in Missouri’s public schools or Missouri's accredited nonpublic schools. Experience will be accepted when earned in Missouri nonpublic schools accredited by AdvancEd, Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges, Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, National Federation of Nonpublic School State Accrediting Association, Independent Schools Association of the Central States, National Lutheran School Accreditation, or Missouri Accreditation of Programs for Children and Youth.
Substitute teaching and serving as a teacher’s aide or assistant cannot be counted toward teaching experience.
2. Participate in a district-provided mentoring program for two years. Your school will assign an appropriate teacher to be your mentor;
3. Successfully complete 30 contact hours of professional development for an IPC upgrade; successfully complete 90 contact hours of professional development for an ICEC upgrade. This may include college credits (One semester hour equals 15 contact hours of professional development);
4. Participate in a beginning teacher assistance program offered by a Missouri college or university, Regional Professional Development Center (RPDC), or professional teacher organization such as MNEA, MSTA, MAESP, or MOASSP;
5. Successfully participate in your employing school's annual Performance Based Teacher Evaluation process; and
6. Develop and implement a professional development plan that is on file with the district.
The Certification Account Portal allows you to:
- Apply for a certificate
- Print out your certificate
- View a certificate or pending application
- View assessment scores
- Check for the receipt of transcripts
- Check fingerprint/background status
- Log into with your username and password (Locked out? Get help here)
- Choose the Educator Certification System link (located on the User Applications page.)
- To establish a username and password, follow the directions of the Educator Certification Help Guide
- If you have a certification account, but have not accessed it for over 5 years, please follow steps #1 and #2 located in the Educator Certification Help Guide.