Governor, Nationally-Known Education Experts to Speak at Annual Conference


More than 500 Missouri school leaders expected to attend

Governor Jay Nixon and two high-profile education experts will be the featured speakers at Missouri’s annual conference for school administrators July 27-29 in Columbia, Mo. The event is sponsored by the Department.

More than 500 Missouri school administrators will meet for the three-day conference. The theme is “Feedback that Matters,” and sessions will focus on teacher evaluation, student assessment, technology and classroom innovation. This is the 53rd administrators’ conference held in Missouri.

“The annual conference is an excellent opportunity for school leaders from across Missouri to share ideas and focus together on providing students with the quality education they need for success in school and in life,” said Commissioner of Education Chris Nicastro.

The keynote speakers are renowned authors and researchers:

  • Dr. Mike Schmoker has written five books, including RESULTS NOW: How We Can Achieve Unprecedented Improvements in Teaching and Learning, which was selected as a finalist for “book of the year” by the Association of Education Publishers. His most recent book is FOCUS: Elevating the Essentials to Radically Improve Student Learning. Dr. Schmoker has also written dozens of articles for educational journals, newspapers and TIME magazine. He is also a former school administrator, English teacher and football coach.
  • Dr. Brian McNulty, vice president of leadership development at The Leadership and Learning Center, focuses on long-term intensive partnerships with schools, districts and other educational agencies in applying current research to field-based problems. His recent research has been focused on developing continuous improvement frameworks based on data and inquiry. Dr McNulty has written more than 40 publications, including Leaders Make it Happen with Laura Besser and School Leadership that Works: From Research to Results, co-authored with Robert Marzano and Tim Waters.

Governor Nixon’s speech will round out the conference on July 29. For more information on the conference, visit /commissioner/adminconf.