CCBIS Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the Child Care Business Information Solution (CCBIS)?
The Child Care Business Information Solution, known as CCBIS, is Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s solution for child care providers who provide child care for families receiving Child Care Subsidy. Benefits of using CCBIS include:
- All-in-one solution for child care providers to track daily attendance for children eligible for Child Care Subsidy and private pay children enrolled in care.
- Allows child care providers access to child authorization information, including sliding fee and rate information for individual children.
- Provides an easy way for child care providers to send messages to parents.
- Allows child care providers access to view payment information.
- Allows parents access to view benefit and authorization information.
- What is available to use with CCBIS?
- KinderConnect –Web-based portal where child care providers and parents will manage child care attendance. Child care providers will be able to use KinderConnect to manage and maintain records for the Child Care Subsidy program, as required by the Child Care Provider Agreement. Parents will use KinderConnect to review and approve attendance transactions and manage sponsors (sponsors are the people authorized to sign a child in and sign a child out). KinderConnect can be accessed on any computer or tablet with an internet connection and a browser (such as Chrome, Edge or Safari).
- KinderSign – Tablet based application.
Child care providers will use the tablets to check children in and out of care when they provide before and after school care and/or transportation services.
Tablets will be provided to child care providers. KinderSign will be pre-installed on the tablets prior to delivery.
Child care providers may choose to use their own tablet by downloading KinderSign from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. KinderSign is compatible with Apple and Android devices. KinderSign is not compatible with Kindle Tablets.
- Parents will be able to perform the following on the tablet:
- Check children in and out of care
- Approve pending attendance transactions
- Approve sponsors
- Review benefit information.
- Parents will be able to perform the following on the tablet:
- KinderSmart – Smartphone based application. which will allow parents to use a personal smartphone to perform the following:
Parents may choose to download the KinderSmart app to a personal smartphone. KinderSmart is available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. KinderSmart is compatible with Apple and Android smartphones. Mobile internet or Wi-Fi is required to use KinderSmart.
- Parents will be able to perform the following on the tablet:
- Check children in and out of care
- Approve pending attendance transactions
- Approve sponsors
- Review benefit information.
- Parents will be able to perform the following on the tablet:
- How will the tablet(s) be delivered to me?
A tablet or tablets will be hand-delivered to your facility or home.
- How will I know when to expect to receive the tablet?
Prior to delivery someone from the CCBIS Support Center will contact you by telephone to obtain information specific to your child care facility, and to verify your address.
Distribution Staff will contact you by phone no less than 5 business days prior to onsite delivery to schedule a time for delivery. You will be given a two-hour window for arrival time. Distribution staff will call you to confirm the appointment prior to arrival.
Please schedule delivery for a date and time will not be directly providing care to children.
- What will I receive with the tablet?
You will receive an Android tablet or tablets, a tablet stand or cover, KinderConnect Quick Reference Cards, KinderSign Quick Reference Cards, KinderSign/KinderSmart Mobile Sign-In QR code sheet, and a parent resource guide.
- Who will deliver the tablets?
Contracted distribution staff will deliver the tablet. Visit the CCBIS Information Site to see a list of distribution staff with their pictures. The distribution staff will also carry a CCBIS photo name badge to prove their identity. If you are unsure, you can always contact the CCBIS Support Center at 833-866-1709.
- What should I expect when someone delivers the tablet to my facility or home?
The distribution staff will spend about 45 minutes at your facility or home training you how to use KinderSign and helping you get started, including guidance on where to find additional training. The distribution staff will register the tablet to your location.
- Will I have to purchase any equipment to use CCBIS?
No additional equipment will be required.
- Do you need Wi-Fi to use the new system?
Wi-Fi (wireless internet) is required to see updated authorizations for Child Care Subsidy eligible children, to manage attendance for children at your facility and to submit attendance for payment for Child Care Subsidy services. You are required to obtain and maintain Wi-Fi connectivity at your facility or the home where care is provided.
- How many tablets will I receive?
Each provider will be eligible to receive one tablet for up to every thirty children enrolled in care at the time of delivery. Additional tablets will be provided to facilities that provide transportation. The number of children includes all children in your facility, including private pay children.
- Is there any training material available for parents?
There are parent specific webinars and training information located on the CCBIS Information Website. Parent specific training material can be found on the Missouri CCBIS Information Site.
- Is there any training material available for providers?
There are provider specific webinars and training information located on the CCBIS Information Website. Provider specific training material can be found on the Missouri CCBIS Information Site.
- Can I use the system to track the attendance of children who don’t receive Child Care Subsidy?
You will be required to use the CCBIS system to collect attendance for all children in care, state subsidized and private pay. The Office of Childhood will not be able to see private pay child or parent/sponsor information.
- Browser Compatibility
The browsers that the CCBIS program supports include Edge, Google Chrome, and other browsers such as Safari.
- Who do I contact if I have additional questions?
Email your questions to CCBIS@dese.mo.gov