Do we report PAT students in the October Cycle, or do we only report caseloads for our PAT Educators?
Do we report PAT students in the October Cycle, or do we only report caseloads for our PAT Educators?
Should a full-time substitute be in the October Cycle? If so, how should they be coded?
Should a full-time substitute be in the October Cycle? If so, how should they be coded?
In regards to dual credit courses, if I have all of the students (paying and non-paying) in the same course in my system, how do I report them separately in MOSIS?
In regards to dual credit courses, if I have all of the students (paying and non-paying) in the same course in my system, how do I report them separately in MOSIS?
If we report the long-term sub as the teacher of record, how do we indicate they are a long-term sub to avoid them showing up as not appropriately certified?
If we report the long-term sub as the teacher of record, how do we indicate they are a long-term sub to avoid them showing up as not appropriately certified?
If we have a librarian with a position code of 40 who will also be instructing a class, would they have more than one position code?
If we have a librarian with a position code of 40 who will also be instructing a class, would they have more than one position code?
I have a 5th grade teacher who will not be certified until December. She is currently teaching this class and doing her student teaching at the same time. Do I enter her with a late start date when she becomes certified? Will that give me an error...
I have a 5th grade teacher who will not be certified until December. She is currently teaching this class and doing her student teaching at the same time. Do I enter her with a late start date when she becomes certified? Will that give me an error since I won't have anyone linked to that classroom till later?
I am getting errors for many assignments that are coming back with the error "Educator School Record Missing." How should we resolve this issue?
I am getting errors for many assignments that are coming back with the error "Educator School Record Missing." How should we resolve this issue?
Should I transfer assignments for long-term subs?
Should I transfer assignments for long-term subs?
When a para becomes a teacher, do the years of service start over?
When a para becomes a teacher, do the years of service start over?
Should I report a full-time substitute who is not the teacher of record?
Should I report a full-time substitute who is not the teacher of record?