Student Core
If we have a records request and we have reported a student as a transfer but they are never picked up, do we have to change their June Enrollment record to reflect a dropout, even with a transfer request in their record?
If we have a records request and we have reported a student as a transfer but they are never picked up, do we have to change their June Enrollment record to reflect a dropout, even with a transfer request in their record?
For the edit STC01050 - Unexpected student age for grade level, when the age and grade level are correct, do we just leave this warning and do nothing?
For the edit STC01050 - Unexpected student age for grade level, when the age and grade level are correct, do we just leave this warning and do nothing?
Which field should I mark in the Student Core file for Enrolled on Count Date (Y or N)?
Which field should I mark in the Student Core file for Enrolled on Count Date (Y or N)?
For the December Student Core, should we only report students that were actually enrolled December 1? Are students that left prior to December 1 included?
For the December Student Core, should we only report students that were actually enrolled December 1? Are students that left prior to December 1 included?
When state-level violations appear, I attempt to contact other school districts and explain the issue that we share. However, they do not always go back and re-certify. How can this be resolved?
When state-level violations appear, I attempt to contact other school districts and explain the issue that we share. However, they do not always go back and re-certify. How can this be resolved?
Our district allowed students to change their instruction method at semester, from virtual to onsite or vice versa. How do I report this?
Our district allowed students to change their instruction method at semester, from virtual to onsite or vice versa. How do I report this?
What if a student enrolled in another school district that started after our school district? Does that student need to be counted absent in our school district until a request for records is received?
What if a student enrolled in another school district that started after our school district? Does that student need to be counted absent in our school district until a request for records is received?
How should we report a student that was full-time part of the year and is now part-time?
How should we report a student that was full-time part of the year and is now part-time?
Should we include Early Childhood students who only come to school for special services in the Student Core?
Should we include Early Childhood students who only come to school for special services in the Student Core?
Is the lunch status as of count day or October 1st?
Is the lunch status as of count day or October 1st?