Student Assignment
In regards to dual credit courses, if I have all of the students (paying and non-paying) in the same course in my system, how do I report them separately in MOSIS?
In regards to dual credit courses, if I have all of the students (paying and non-paying) in the same course in my system, how do I report them separately in MOSIS?
If a student had CTE classes every year but the current senior year, how would we code them? Previously was a participant but no career classes this year? What about if they have a half semester CTE course their senior year?
If a student had CTE classes every year but the current senior year, how would we code them? Previously was a participant but no career classes this year? What about if they have a half semester CTE course their senior year?
We have students who will be going to our library to take online courses with our local college. The librarian will be in the room but not teaching the course. We do pay a portion of the tuition so I know it will be dual credit. But I'm not sure if we use
We have students who will be going to our library to take online courses with our local college. The librarian will be in the room but not teaching the course. We do pay a portion of the tuition so I know it will be dual credit. But I'm not sure if we use the 'Electronic Media' or 'Virtual' example for coding purposes.
For dual credit college courses, do out-of-state colleges have a district code?
For dual credit college courses, do out-of-state colleges have a district code?