Missouri Technical Advisory Committee (MoTAC)
Current Members
- Dr. Mark Hogrebe, Washington University
- Dr. Natalie Bolton, University of Missouri—St. Louis
- Dr. Michael McBride, Northwest Missouri State University
- Dr. Jim Concannon, William Wood University
- Dr. Linda Miller, Missouri Baptist University
- Dr. Daryl Fridley, DESE
Committee Guidelines
Guidance Document for the Missouri Technical Advisory Committee for Educator Preparation
- Purpose: To advise the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) in regard to the technical aspects of assessment processes and instruments related to Educator Preparation in Missouri, including but not limited to validity, reliability, and fairness.
- Responsibilities
- Continuously review the overall system for assessing the preparation of education candidates and make recommendations for continuous improvement
- Continuously review the overall system for assessing educator preparation providers (EPP) and make recommendations for continuous improvement
- Review potential and current assessment instruments and provide recommendations regarding their usage
- Review data generated by state assessments and make recommendations regarding cut scores
- Membership
- The Committee will consist of five (5) members to be selected as follows:
- One (1) member will be selected by the Missouri Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (MACTE).
- One (1) member will be selected by the Missouri Principal Educators Association (MPEA).
- Three (3) members will be selected by DESE from the pool of individuals who volunteer to serve.
- Qualifications
- Required
- Significant experience in assessment (e.g. psychometrics, standardized testing, educational assessment) related to educator preparation over the course of multiple years.
- Currently in a role which actively involves the individual in educator preparation assessment
- DESE and selecting organizations will make every effort to ensure that the Committee represents diverse interests from across the state, including but not limited to the following characteristics
- Geographic Region
- Urbanicity/Rurality
- Race/Ethnicity
- Private/public
- Institutional Size
- Public/Private Institutional Status
- Valued
- Experience with standardized test development processes ((e.g. bias review committee, content review committee and framework alignment committee)
- Experience working on statewide projects related to assessment in educator preparation (e.g. MEES revisions, development of Superintendent Performance Assessment)
- Required
- Length of Term. Members serve until
- they no longer meet all the qualifications for the position; or
- their sponsoring organization wishes to replace them; or
- they decide to step down.
- The Committee will consist of five (5) members to be selected as follows: