Missouri Arts Education Data Project (MOAEDP) FAQ
The Missouri Arts Education Data Project (MOAEDP) enables users to review school-reported data at the school, district, county, and state levels. This interactive dashboard displays enrollment data, course offerings, and arts access for grade 9-12 students in Missouri public schools. The data currently shows the status of arts education for the previous 5 years. It will continue to be updated annually.
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
How do I access the Missouri Arts Education Data Project (MOAEDP)?
The data project dashboard is accessible here.
Information about the National Arts Education Data Project is available at artseddata.org
Where did the data come from?
The data for the MOAEDP comes from the data sets of the Missouri Department of Secondary and Elementary Education (DESE). Public school districts in Missouri are responsible to submit data accurately and timely.
How often is the data updated?
The most recent school year is listed at the top of the dashboards. Data is updated annually subject to the data sharing agreement between DESE and Quadrant Research.
How do I access the information for the school district where I live?
On the dashboard, click on the District Level arts tab at the top of the page. Use the filter icon in the upper right of the screen to select your district. Scroll to view specific enrollment totals for each arts discipline.
How do I discover if a school in my area offers or does not offer specific arts disciplines?
On the Disciplines Offered tab, use the school/district filter and yes/no options to set the parameters. You can also use the map of Missouri to identify schools that meet those parameters.
Why are the total arts student numbers different on the overview tab and the arts disciplines tab?
The overview tab records each student a single time. On the arts discipline tab, a higher number of students may be displayed because each student is counted once for every discipline area in which he or she is enrolled. For example, a student may be counted once for marching band/music and again for art I/visual arts.
Why are some Missouri schools missing?
Currently, the MOAEDP displays data for grades 9-12 of Missouri public schools. Private schools are not included. Public elementary and middle schools data will be online in the near future.
What if I observe there is inaccurate information for my school district?
The data is self-reported by districts and may include some errors. Steps are being taken to help schools in this process. If you see inaccurate information, you might consider informing your school of your observation and/or submitting your observation to the Fine Arts Data team at fineartsdata@dese.mo.gov.
If I have further questions or concerns about the MOAEDP, who can I contact?
Please submit your questions and comments to the Fine Arts Data team at fineartsdata@dese.mo.gov, where a DESE staff member will respond.