Long Range Planning Advisory Committee (LRPAC)

Missouri Schools for the Severely Disabled (MSSD) Educational Assessment/Study

In 2023, the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education engaged with Public Consulting Group LLC (PCG) and Capital Asset Engineering (Capital AE) to independently review its special education services, operations, and facilities with MSSD. The goal of this project was to guide how to best serve students in a consistent, prudent, and effective manner while understanding the intersection of current instructional practices, the educational adequacy of all MSSD buildings, enrollment, finances, and staffing to determine the most substantial and most viable path forward for DESE and MSSD.

Click here to review the PCG Executive Summary Report.

Click here to review the PCG Final Report and Appendices

Long Range Planning Advisory Committee (LRPAC)

The Missouri Schools for the Severely Disabled (MSSD) have launched a long-range plan to reassess and address both the current and future needs of our state-operated schools program. The main goal of this work is to identify and prioritize the needs of all MSSD students and stakeholders to ensure they have equitable access to quality programming and facilities. As a part of this effort, MSSD has formed a Long-Range Planning Advisory Committee (LRPAC) comprised of 45 teachers, parents, administrators, community members, legislators, and local school district leaders. The LRPAC’s role is to provide recommendations to the State Board of Education on the future of MSSD’s programming. This web page will provide our community with access to the meeting content and an opportunity to provide public feedback into this very important work.

Click here to see a complete list of the committee members.  


Meeting DateLocationAgenda ItemsPowerPoint 

Meeting #1


Virtual Welcome / MSSD Overview / Phase 1 & 2 Report / Theory of Action

Meeting #2


Virtual Technology / Academics / Instruction / Transportation / Enrollment

Meeting #3


Virtual Facilities Projects / School Condition / Educational Adequacy / Finance / Local Education Agency (LEA)

Meeting #4


Virtual Capacity & Utilization / Legislation / Human Resources / Reimagining Models

Meeting #5


Special Olympics Missouri(link is external)Major Changes & Improvements / Intro to Consolidation

Meeting #6


Special Olympics Missouri(link is external)Finalize Consolidation / Major Changes / Implementation Plan

Click here to submit questions or feedback to the committee. (link sends email)