Office of Quality Schools
Migrant Education Program Kickoff Meeting– October 2021
The purpose of the virtual event is to meet Migrant Education Program (MEP) partners working in the state; review important information and forms; and, hear about the MEP Service Delivery Plan evaluation being conducted this year.
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Supporting Students Experiencing Homelessness During School Reopening Webinar
Federal Education Laws Remain in Effect. Every local educational agency (LEA) must have a liaison currently in place with adequate capacity to identify McKinney-Vento students and ensure their enrollment, full participation, and equitable access to services.
If you have questions about the webinar, please contact Cheryl Kosmatka at (573)522-8763 or email
McKinney-Vento and Exploring Doubled-Up Scenarios
Children and youth who are sharing the housing of others due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason are eligible for McKinney-Vento Act rights and services. There is no time limit on McKinney-Vento eligibility. It depends on the living situation. Many families will remain in doubled-up situations for months or even years as they struggle to find employment and housing, and to address other challenges that may be causing their homelessness.
2019-20 ESEA Consolidated Application Webinar
The Federal Programs Section will be hosting a webinar that will provide information on completing and submitting the ESEA Consolidated Application which includes the ESEA Consolidated Budget and Plan. There will be time to give participants the opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback.
AMI and AMI-X Plans
This webinar will help you to learn more about Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) and Alternative Methods of Instruction – Extended (AMI-X) plans.
MOCAP Webinar
The COVID-19 pandemic has increased interest in virtual education options for students. DESE will provide information on the Missouri Online Course Access and Virtual School Program (MOCAP), including requirements for school districts and charter schools. School district and charter school administrators, including those responsible for administering MOCAP are invited to view the presentation by Dr. Chris Neale, Assistant Commissioner and Caysie Turner, Virtual Administrator.
Title I Preschool
Non-Regulatory Guidance on Title I Preschools was updated by the US Department of Education in October of 2012. This webinar will cover the updated guidance and how Title I funds can be used to provide preschool services to eligible preschool students.