Missouri Approved Substitute Training

The Institutions of Higher Learning (IHE) below all offer training that will allow an individual to qualify for substitute teacher certification in Missouri. Only the IHEs noted with an asterisk (*) offer this training outside of the context of course (e.g. a 3-day workshop). At those IHEs without an asterisk (*), the training is embedded within a specific course and can only be accessed by enrolling in that course. After completing one of these trainings, an individual may apply for substitute teacher certification through the Certification Account Portal.

East Central College

Contact: Gregory Stotler

Phone Number: 636-584-6612

Email: gregory.stotler@eastcentral.edu(link sends email)

Website: East Central Education(link is external)

Jefferson College

Contact: Dr. Ken Boning

Phone Number: 636-481-3344

Email: kboning@jeffco.edu(link sends email)

Website: Jefferson Education(link is external)

Mineral Area College

Contact: Dr. Shawn Young

Phone Number: 573-518-2339

Email: smyoung@mineralarea.edu(link sends email) 

Website: Mineral Area College(link is external)

Missouri University of Science & Technology*

Contact: Dr. Beth Kania-Gosche

Phone Number: 573-341-4120

Email: bkaniagosche@mst.edu(link sends email)

Website: Missouri S&T Teacher Education & Certification(link is external)

North Central Missouri College

Contact: Cassie Cordray

Phone Number: 660-359-3948 ext. 1349

Email: ccordray@mail.ncmissouri.edu(link sends email) 

Website: North Central Missouri College(link is external)

Ozark Technical Community College

Contact: Angela Miller

Phone Number: 417-447-6604

Email: milleran@otc.edu(link sends email)

Website: Ozark Technical Education(link is external)

St. Charles Community College

Contact: Ms. Lisa Faszold

Phone Number: 636-922-8637

Email: lfaszold@stchas.edu (link sends email)

Website: St. Charles Education(link is external)

Southeast Missouri State University*

Contact: Dr. Rodney Pensel

Phone Number: 573-651-2125

Email: rpensel@semo.edu(link sends email)

Website: Southeast Missouri State University(link is external)


State Fair Community College

Contact: Cara Barth-Fagan

Phone Number: 660-596-7329

Email: cbarthfagan1@sfccmo.edu(link sends email)

Website: State Fair Community College(link is external)


Three Rivers College

Contact: Dr. Faye Sanders

Phone Number: 573-840-9001

Email: asanders@trcc.edu(link sends email)

Website: Three Rivers College(link is external)