As part of Missouri’s efforts to ensure that every child is prepared to succeed after graduation, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Office of Quality Schools has begun work on the sixth version of the Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP 6), the state’s accountability system for reviewing and accrediting public school districts. Signup is available now for anyone who is interested in collaborating in the development of MSIP 6 standards. DESE will collect applications of interested participants until Wednesday, March 29, and will select from volunteers based on the need for a balance of perspectives, geographic representation and diversity.
MSIP went into effect in 1990, and the current version, MSIP 5, began in 2012. MSIP has four goals:
- Articulate the state’s expectations for student achievement
- Distinguish performance of schools and districts in valid, accurate and meaningful ways
- Empower stakeholders through regular communication and transparent reporting
- Promote continuous improvement and innovation within each district
The MSIP 6 work groups will begin meeting in April and will continue their work at least through the end of 2017. The work groups will be formed for each of the four areas:
- Academic achievement – ensuring the performance standards are appropriate and are measured correctly
- Climate and culture – promoting student-centered instruction
- Systems and processes – ensuring that districts have necessary systems and processes in place
- Success-ready graduates – students who graduate prepared for college and career
As the work groups develop MSIP 6, they will consider feedback gathered in a series of regional meetings that DESE held around the state in 2016. In those meetings, more than 1300 citizens shared their opinions about the critical role education plays in supporting all children as they prepare for college, career and life.